Seminar: The Human Phenotype Project | Professor Eran Segal
From the Bench to the Bedside
| Fri, 20 Dec 2024 | 9:00AM-10:00AM | CENTER BLDG C209 |
Join us for a seminar by Professor Eran Segal of the Weizmann Institute of Science as he introduces the Human Phenotype Project, a groundbreaking longitudinal cohort and biobank initiative leveraging multi-omic technologies to uncover novel molecular markers of health and disease, driving the future of personalized disease prediction.
Eran Segal, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
Weizmann Institute of Science
Professor Segal heads a multi-disciplinary team in the Department of Computer Science & Applied Mathematics at the Weizmann Institute of Science, building extensive experience in machine learning, computational biology, and analysis of heterogeneous high-throughput genomic data. The research focus, directed towards the goal of developing personalized medicine based on big data from human cohorts, is on microbiome, nutrition, genetics, and their effect on health and diseases. He is the recipient of many awards, including the Overton Prize. He is also on the Scientific Advisory Board of Corundum Systems Biology. Before joining the Weizmann Institute, he held an independent research position at Rockefeller University. Professor Segal earned a BSc in Computer Science summa cum laude, from Tel-Aviv University, and a PhD in Computer Science and Genetics from Stanford University. To date, Professor Segal has over 150 published papers.
This seminar is ideal for students, researchers, entrepreneurs, and anyone interested in the integration of biology, computer science, microbiome, AI, and robotics towards persoanlized medicine. From bench to bedside. No registration required. Language: English
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