OIST Innovators Society - What is an NDA, and how do they work?

At our next Innovators Society meeting, we will be joined by Graham Garner, our resident Technology Licensing Specialist at OIST - to talk about Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) and other research agreements you may need to use throughout your career.
NDAs are legal contracts between at least two parties that outline confidential information that the parties wish to share with one another for certain purposes but wish to restrict access to. In this session, we will learn more about the different types of NDAs, when should be used, who must sign them, and what should and should not be included. Graham will also explain other research agreements such as Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs) and Collaboration Research Agreements (CRAs).
Join us on March 3rd (Thu) from 16:00-17:00, in seminar room C700 or via zoom (meeting id: 870 767 4877, pwd: 895273) to learn more.
Contact Andrea or Shivani if you have any questions.
Speaker information: Graham Garner – Technology Licensing Specialist, Technology Licensing Section, TDIC
Bio: Graham harvests new innovations from OIST researchers and promotes them to potential licensees. Prior to joining OIST, Graham worked as a patent agent and chemical engineer (qualified in Canada and US) at global corporations such as Ricoh, where his role covered a wide spectrum of intellectual property matters, including freedom-to-operate and infringement. A native of Canada, Graham has studied and worked in Canada and the United States prior to relocating to Okinawa in 2017.
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