Language Education Section

Policy change regarding appraisals

Previously, the Language Education Section only sent copies of language course appraisals to managers upon their request. However, we are obligated to make the following change:

Effective from April 2024, all managers will automatically receive copies of their staff's language course appraisals.

This decision was made with the intention of providing managers with additional metrics regarding their team's training and development at OIST. Access to individual language development information can help managers in supporting their team members' professional growth and identify areas where further training might be beneficial.
We understand that this change may impact both employees and managers. To ensure transparency and communication, we want to emphasize the following points:
•    All language learners will receive a copy of their appraisal directly to their email address. Their manager will be CCed. This ensures learners remain informed about their progress and have the opportunity to discuss their appraisal with their manager.
•    Appraisals will only assess language learning progress and achievement within the specific courses taken. They will not contain any personal information beyond what is necessary for this purpose.

If you have any questions or concerns about this policy change, please do not hesitate to contact the Language Education Section. We are happy to answer your questions and provide further clarification.
We believe this change will ultimately benefit both individual staff members and their managers by fostering a more informed and supportive learning environment. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in implementing this new policy.

We understand that this policy change may necessitate adjustments. We encourage you to:  direct any questions or concerns to the Language Education Section through this link.
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we strive to enhance the professional development opportunities for all OIST staff.


Setsubun at OIST

On February 2nd, approximately 50 students joined us for a lively celebration of the Japanese festival of Setsubun! Following the vibrant traditions, we gathered to ward off bad luck and welcome spring with open arms.

The festivities kicked off with the iconic bean-throwing ceremony. Armed with roasted soybeans, students chanted "Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!" ("Demons out! Luck in!") as they tossed the beans, symbolically driving away misfortune and inviting good fortune. Laughter and energy filled the air as everyone participated with enthusiasm.

Following the bean-throwing ritual, we embraced another beloved Setsubun custom: enjoying special sushi rolls called Ehomaki. In keeping with tradition, students silently devoured these auspicious rolls while facing the lucky direction for the year – northeast in 2024. It was a moment of quiet unity and shared cultural experience.

We were thrilled with the turnout and the positive energy brought by our student community. Seeing so many embrace this cultural celebration with such gusto reinforces our commitment to hosting diverse and engaging events throughout the year.

Stay tuned for more exciting cultural events in the future! We can't wait to explore new traditions and share them with you.

Picture of participiants at Setsubun event



Learn languages online with the Language Section!

Want more practice learning English? We have many options for learning English online!


Want more practice learning Japanese? We have many options for learning Japanese online!



 English Language Instructor Bios 

OIST provides a wide variety of English Language courses to meet the needs of OIST’s diverse international student body, researchers, administrative staff, and family members. All courses include reading, writing, speaking, and listening components, and are designed to encourage teamwork and active participation. Authentic materials are included, such as videos, audio recordings, and newspaper articles, to provide students with real-world examples relevant to their roles at OIST.


Justin Foster-Sutherland 098-966-1638



 Japanese Language Instructor Bios

The Japanese Language staff are conducting Japanese language courses for all OIST members - students, researchers, faculty,  administrative staff, and family members. The courses range from basic to intermediate, focusing on fundamental communication skills. All courses include instruction in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Extra-curricular activities are also held to help participants adjust to the customs and culture of their new surroundings.