Seminar by Ms. Hope Hartman, How Researchers Support Regional Economic Development


Tuesday, March 25, 2014 - 11:00




Speaker’s Profile

Ms. Hartman is a technology transfer professional with 10 years of experience including patent management, startup company formation and business communications.  She was at the University of Washington Technology Transfer office, now known as the Center for Commercialization and was a member of the NorthWest Entrepreneur Network.  While at the University for Washington, Ms. Hartman co-created the LaunchPad program to catalyze new ventures based on promising university innovations.  She is currently the Vice President of Business Development for a global software company and acts as an Advisor with an economic development group in the Front Range region of Colorado, SAGE (Social and Advisory Group for Entrepreneurs). SAGE is part of the service hosted by Rocky Mountain Innosphere, a community based technology startup incubator located in Fort Collins, CO.


 Ms. Hartman will highlight 3 startup companies; CirrusBiosystems, Pfemtoquest and Brown & Henry, as a case study, including a summary of where the researchers are today.  Part of the seminar will cover a basic business model for startups and the types of technologies that are better suited for the startup path.  The key factors for success as well as the causes for failure will be identified. Ms. Hartman will also discuss how SAGE activities support the region’s entrepreneurs by providing assistance to network with other professionals providing supports for startup companies. The seminar will conclude with identifying the kinds of resources necessary to support university start up initiatives including generation of startups and incubating these early stage companies.


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