Novel Simulation and Device Control Architecture for Entertainment Devices (No. 0132)
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A novel simulation and device control architecture that provides an easy to use and versatile interactive simulator which can interact with devices in real time.
The global home entertainment market size is currently valued at USD 225 billion and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.3%. Home entertainment devices continue to be a popular choice among consumers as they are convenient. However, current entertainment simulation and control systems have limited application and flexibility, only work on computers, and require specialized programming skills to design and operate. Here we present a promising simulation and device control architecture developed by a group of researchers led by Dr. Yoshiyuki Asai. The developed architecture is a versatile interactive simulator which can easily and conveniently interact with devices in real time.
- Entertainment Devices
- Research and Medical Equipment
- Educational Devices
- Versatile Platform
- Easy to Use
- Real-Time Interaction
The technology is based on a versatile interactive simulator which can interact with devices in real time. Firstly, various mathematical models may be input into a computer system with no special programming skills. The simulator performs numerical integration and communicates data between the mathematical models and devices via an application program interface in real time. With this inventive feature, users do not need to develop specialized simulators for specific devices. In other words, any mathematical model (physiological, biochemical) and devices (entertainment device, robot) may be combined with the simulator (Interactive Flint). Additionally, any device which equips and Application Program Interfaces (APIs) to drive actuators, or APIs to read values from sensors can be targets to interact with.
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