Covid-19 Guidelines for SAP

Covid-19 Prevention Guidelines and Policies for SAP

[Updated 9/01/2021]

The School-Aged Program operates within the Japanese Government and Okinawa Prefectural Government issued 'New Lifestyle' guildines. The School-Aged Program in conjunction with the Occupational Health and Safety Section and the COVID-19 Management Group have created a new set of policies to make sure that School-Aged Program services are delivered in the safest possible environment for the children in our care.

Also, please be advised that many schools might change their schedules to make up for missed school time. If your child will need SAP services from before 13:30 in the afternoon, please enroll in Holiday Program services for those days.

  1. SAP attendance will be limited to 53 children. The number of children allowed in any room will also be limited. This is necessary to maintain appropriate social distancing measures.
  2. Children will be required to wear masks at all times, except during outdoor play. It is the family's responsibility to provide masks to their children.
  3. Children will be required to disinfect or wash their hands thoroughly before entering the SAP room.
  4. Children using OIST transportation services will be given a temperature check before being allowed to board the bus. Parents/Guardians of children with a temperature over 37.5 will be informed that they will need to provide alternative transportation for their child.
  5. Children who are brought to the SAP room by parents/guardians will be required to measure and have a body temperature of under 37.5 degrees.
  6. Parents/Guardians of children who do not feel well during their time in the SAP room will be contacted immediately and asked to come and pick up their children. Children who are ill will be monitored by a staff person in one of the Seaside House meeting rooms until a parent/guardian arrives.
  7. All children will need to bring their own water bottles. SAP will not provide shared drinking or eating utensils.
  8. Children will be asked to use an ‘indoor voice’ while inside the SAP room. Shouting or using a loud voice will be discouraged.
  9. SAP staff will enforce social distancing. Children will be reminded to avoid standing or sitting close to each other.
  10. SAP staff will remind children not to touch one another.
  11. The SAP will provide for maximum air circulation by opening the doors to the outside deck whenever possible. However, during the rainy season and typhoon season, heavy rains and wind make it impossible to keep these doors open. According to Building Maintanance and Facilities, the LOSSNAY Energy Recovery System recently installed in the SAP room is in line with MEXT air ventilation volume requirements and provides sufficient circulation even without keeping the deck doors open.
  12. A hand sanitizing station will be set up in each room. Children will be required to use hand sanitizer before and after using SAP provided materials, games, or toys.
  13. Staff will disinfect the room regularly as well as before snacks or lunch and before a new group of children enters the room via OIST transportation.
  14. Children will be taken outdoors to play as often as possible.
  15. A hand sanitizing station will be placed in each bathroom and must be used by all children when they both enter and exit the bathrooms.