Frequently Asked Questions

Can't find the answer to your question? Please send an email to schoolageprogram@oist.jp and a staff member will get back to you as soon as possible.

Where can I find the Handbook?

Great question! Please click one of the links below.

English Version

Japanese Version

How much time will my child spend doing homework in the SAP?

We encourage parents/guardians to communicate their homework expectations to their children and to SAP staff. Staff members will not force children to do homework.

Can my child sign him/herself in?

Currently our policy is that an adult on the child's emergency contact form must sign the child in and out. Exceptions can be made at the discretion of the Director depending on the situation.

Can I sign my child out and then leave them there to keep playing with their friends until they are ready to go home by themselves?

Yes, as long as the parent/gaurdian who signed the child out remains present.

Who can pick up my child?

Your child can only be picked up by a person who is listed on their emergency contact form. This includes all parents/guardians, other family members (18 years or older), family friends, the parents of other children, and teachers.

What happens if I am late to pick up my child?

We strongly encourage you to pick your child up on time. By "on time" we mean that you and your child (and all their belongings) are out the door by closing time (or you are waiting at the bus stop for your child when it arrives). If you are still in the room or not yet arrived at one minute past closing time, you'll have to sign your initials below your sign-out time and you'll be charged a late fine. Please refer to the SAP Fee Policies for more information.

Can my child bring their own snacks/lunches?

Yes, but NO NUTS. Please read the packaging carefully. We encourage you to provide your child with healthy food. Also please note that sharing food with other children is not allowed under any circumstances (even during holidays or special events).

Can my child bring their own toys to the School Age Program?

No, we ask that you not allow your child to bring their own toys to the program. Books are fine, so long as they do not contain violent/sexual images and/or profanity.

Can my child bring electronic devices to the School Age Program?

No. We have a strict no electronic devices policy. This includes mobile phones, tablets, laptops, e-readers, etc. If you have a question about a specific device, please ask a staff member.

We will make an expection to this rule if your child is given a school-issued tablet to do their homework on.

What will you do if my child gets sick?

First we will try to make your child as comfortable as possible. We will take their temperature. If the child has a fever, we will isolate them and call you to come and pick them up. There is no nurse's office, and for the safety of everyone we cannot allow your child to stay beyond the time it takes you to drive over.