Seminar "Electrically coupled networks in the mammalian brain"

The Neuronal Rhythms in Movement (nRIM) unit would like to invite you the seminar "Electrically coupled networks in the mammalian brain" by Professor Yoram from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
Speaker: Professor Yosef Yarom, HUJI, Israel
Location: D014, Lab 1
Date & Time: March 1st, 14:00 - 15:00
Title: Electrically coupled networks in the mammalian brain
Abstract: The prevalence of electrical connections between neurons in the central nervous system is well established and their role in generating synchronized rhythmic network activity is well documented. Recently it has been demonstrated that the strength of electrical synapses can be modified over protracted periods, resembling long-term potentiation and depression of chemical synapses. Thus, the functional architecture of electrically coupled networks is dynamically modified to enable spatio-temporal adjustments. However, experimental methods that enables an estimate of the network size is at the most rudimental. Using intracellular recording combined with optogenetic and theoretical simulations, we developed a reliable methods to estimate the number of coupled neurons in the network. While, the first approach is based on the analysis of subthreshold events that reflects the transmission of action potentials across the electrical synapse, the second approach is based on the analysis of the current spread throughout the coupled network. These methods were examined in two electrical coupled networks: the network within the inferior olive nucleus and the electrically coupled network of PV and SOM interneurons in the cerebral cortex.
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