nRIM special discussion series 1: "Blind spots in neuroscience"

The Neuronal Rhythms in Movement (nRIM) unit is hosting an afternoon of informal discussion with four critical thinkers in neuroscience about the elephants in our rooms: what it is that we're missing in our work to understand "how the brains work".
We hope to be able to make it a relaxed opportunity for discussion between researchers at all career stages; given the origin of the guests we expect to be also able to taste some cheese from Europe.
The guests (details below) will stay at OIST from Feb 28th to March 2nd to engage with OIST faculty, researchers and students. Please feel free to contact nRIM RUA ( for scheduling meetings.
Date: Friday, March 2nd
Venue: D014, Lab 1
Time: 14:00 - 17:00
Guest participants:
Prof. Yosef Yarom, HUJI, Israel
Prof. Kaylene Young, University of Tasmania, Australia
Dr. Ben Torben-Nielsen, Demiurge technologies, Switzerland
Dr. Michiel Ten Brinke, Erasmus MC, Netherlands
Introduction by Dr. Ben Torben-Nielsen, Demiurge technologies/Neurolinx institute:
"The current scientific landscape is one with many islands of highly specialised knowledge. Neuroscience is no different in that we have detailed insights into a broad range of topics. However, it remains unclear how the insights from these isolated islands can be integrated (if at all) to form an overarching idea about brain functioning at large. The aim of this set of discussions is twofold. First, we aim to define strategies of how such integration can be facilitated. Second, we aim to formulate questions beyond the scope of our normal work that are instrumental to integrate our knowledge into a broader scope. To participate in this discussion, we encourage researchers to put their research in this broad perspective to identify missing pieces of the puzzle that are needed to link a specific field of study to overal brain function."
Dr. Michiel Ten Brinke, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Netherlands:
Sprezzatura: on olivocerebellar activity and function
Cerebellar eyeblink conditioning is an elementary form of procedural learning that brings a number of advantages. It offers a useful paradigm to test cerebellar learning capacity in transgenic mouse models, be they related to specific diseases, or, more fundamentally, to isolated molecular or cellular mechanisms. In combination with electrophysiology, it helps us piece together how different parts of the olivocerebellar system may conspire to effect neuronal responses that underlie conditioned behavior. At a more conceptual level, it offers a wonderful point of departure from which to build a notion of the cerebellum as a true powerhouse that underlies the effortless execution of skills we hardly realize we'd be helpless to perform without it.
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