TSVP Talk: "Primes, Partitions and Power Series: Mathematical Truths and Proofs From Euclid to Ramanujan" by Dr. Mark Wildon



L4E48, Zoom


Dr. Mark Wildon is visiting OIST from 2022/10/04 until 2022/11/10 through the "Theoretical Sciences Visiting Program" (TSVP). Find out more about the TSVP in this news article or the program website.
This seminar intended for a general audience and the research will be presented in an accessible manner. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to ask questions after the talk. Guests from outside OIST can join via Zoom.

Title: Primes, Partitions and Power Series: Mathematical Truths and Proofs From Euclid to Ramanujan

Abstract: The sequence of prime numbers begins 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, ... Does it continue forever, or might there be some largest prime, beyond which all numbers have a proper prime factor? Euclid answered this question in about 300BC. His argument, which I'll present at the start of my talk, remains a model of clear mathematical reasoning. Next I will introduce a few of the mathematical objects relevant to my research in algebraic combinatorics and prove some of their beautiful and unexpected properties. I will finish with some brief comments on why mathematicians value proofs so highly, and whether we are justified in equating proofs with truths. No technical background will be assumed.

Profile: Mark Wildon is a professor of mathematics at Royal Holloway, University of London, visiting the University of Bristol in 2021–22. His interests are in algebraic combinatorics and representation theory, especially the representation theory of the symmetric groups and related algebras. Personal Homepage

Language: English, no interpretation.

Target audience: General audience / everyone at OIST and beyond.
Freely accessible to all OIST members and guests without registration.

This talk will also be broadcast online via Zoom:

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