TSVP Visiting Scholars

Visiting Scholar discussing

OIST's Visiting Program was launched in June 2021, with the goal of bringing leading researchers to OIST for extended visits. The first part of the TSVP was the Visiting Scholars program. Visiting Scholars are individual visitors, usually staying at OIST from 3 to 12 months. See the application page for detailed information on the process. Calls are usually held once per year and start in summer.

Visiting Scholars carry out independent research at OIST, and interact with several OIST Research Units during their stay. No teaching duties come with the position. However, visitors are expected to give a general-audience "TSVP Talk" about their field of research within the first month of their visit (recordings of past talks can be found on the Past Events page and are linked below).

All current and upcoming visitors can be found on this list, while past visitors can be found here.