TSVP Talk: "People, Environments, Sensors: Cyber Opportunities for Exploring Human Mobilities" by Christophe Claramunt

Title: People, Environments, Sensors: Cyber Opportunities for Exploring Human Mobilities
Abstract: Cyberspace is an open, global, unregulated, and virtual area of decentralized human activities, social interactions, application services in the information space transmitted by sensors and Internet communication channels, and supported by cyberinfrastructures. Cyberspace data, whether voluntarily or involuntarily created at unprecedented rates of dissemination, originates from a variety of user communities, ranging from experts to the general public, and different supports from social media to mobile users, but are not always well structured because they are most often not generated for further manipulation. Hence, new ideas and frameworks must be developed to reflect the spatial and temporal structures that emerge. The talk will introduce a series of theoretical, conceptual, methodological, computational advances and contributions of this digital revolution to the study of mobility patterns in urban and regional environments. I will also discuss with the audience a few key implications of this emerging cyberspace and some of the upcoming research challenges.
Profile: Christophe Claramunt is a professor of computer science at the Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology and deputy director of the Interdisciplinary Graduate School in Marine Science and Engineering (ISBlue) in Northwest France. His interests are in theoretical and multidisciplinary aspects of geographical information science, and their application to urban, environmental, and maritime contexts. He is currently working on the development of spatio-temporal conceptual models and their logical and computational implementations. Personal Website
Language: English, no interpretation.
Target audience: General audience / everyone at OIST and beyond.
Freely accessible to all OIST members and guests without registration.
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