"Theory of electron spin resonance for detecting spin-nematic orders in quantum magnets" Shunsuke Furuya (RIKEN)

- Date: September 7th (Thursday)
- Time: 14:00-15:00
- Venue: C016, Lab1
- Speaker: Shunsuke C. Furuya, Condensed Matter Theory Laboratory, RIKEN
- Title: Theory of electron spin resonance for detecting spin-nematic orders in quantum magnets
Spin nematic phase is a quantum magnetic phase characterized by a quadrupolar order parameter. Since the quadrupole operators are directly coupled to neither the magnetic field nor the neutron, currently, it is an important issue to develop a method for detecting the spin nematic order. In this talk I discuss that electron spin resonance (ESR) measurements enable us to detect spin nematic orders [1,2]. In particular, I focus on the antiferroquadrupolar order and show that the long-range antiferroquadrupolar order yields an interesting resonance peak whose resonance frequency exhibits a characteristic field dependence reflecting the condensation of bound magnon pairs.
[1] S. C. Furuya and T. Momoi, arXiv:1707.08784
[2] S. C. Furuya, Phys. Rev. B 95, 014416 (2017).
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