Seminar: "Order induced by disorder in pyrochlore XY antiferromagnets" by Alexei Andreanov

2016年1月28日 (木) 14:30 〜 15:30
C016, Lab1
Theory of Quantum Matter would like to invite you to a seminar:
- Title: Order induced by disorder in pyrochlore XY antiferromagnets
- Speaker: Dr. Alexey Andreanov (IBS Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems, Daejeon, Korea)
- Date: Thursday, 28th January
- Time: 14:30-15:30
- Venue: C016, Lab1
- Abstract:
XY pyrochlore antiferromagnets are well-known to exhibit order-by-disorder through both quantum and thermal selection. We consider the effect of substituting nonmagnetic ions onto the magnetic sites in a pyrochlore XY model with generally anisotropic exchange tuned by a single parameter J±±/J±. The physics is controlled by two points in this space of parameters J±±/J±=±2 at which there are line modes in the ground state and hence an O(L2) ground-state degeneracy intermediate between that of a conventional magnet and a Coulomb phase. At each of these points, single vacancies seed pairs of line defects. Two line defects carrying incompatible spin configurations from different vacancies can crossleading to an effective one-dimensional description of the resulting spin texture. In the thermodynamic limit at finite density, we find that dilution selects a state "opposite" to the state selected by thermal and quantum disorder which is understood from the single vacancy limit. The latter finding hints at the possibility that Er_{2-x}Y_xTi2O7 for small x exhibits a second phase transition within the thermally selected Psi2 state into a Psi3 state selected by the quenched disorder.
We look forward to seeing many of you at the seminar.
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