[Seminar] Mr. Hyeok-Jun Yang "Searching for hidden phases born of a quantum spin liquid"



L4E48 / Zoom



Mr. Hyeok-Jun Yang - KAIST

2016 - present 
Integrated Master's & Ph.D in Physics, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology


Searching for hidden phases born of a quantum spin liquid


Pyrochlore spin model has served as a fascinating platform to explore 3+1 dimensional U(1) quantum spin liquid phases. A series of striking properties such as pinch point and gapless excitations have been investigated emerging from the fractionalized excitations and emergent gauge structure. Among them, we particularly focus on  frustrated exchange regime where the ring exchange traps π-flux in the hexagonal plaquette. In the absence/presence of external fields, we argue that the π-flux QSI is a promising candidate to search for hidden phases, multipolar order and topological thermal hall effect.


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