Seminar “Variational Monte Carlo method with tensor product wave function" Dr. Olga Sikora (National Taiwan University)
Theory of Quantum Matter Unit would like to invite you to a seminar by Dr. Olga Sikora, National Taiwan University, to be held tomorrow (Fri, 12th July) at 13:30-14:30 in C016, Lab 1.
Variational Monte Carlo method with tensor product wave function
Dr. Olga Sikora, National Taiwan University
Fri 12th July 13:30-14:30 at C016, Lab1
Combining tensor network methods with variational Monte Carlo optimization is one of the promising methods of studying many body problems. We apply this approach in two-dimensions by using tensor-product based projection operators to optimize a variational wave function describing fermionic or bosonic systems. I will begin by introducing quantum variational Monte Carlo technique, then I will demonstrate our method for the tight binding model with nearest neighbors repulsion on a square lattice. Our study is motivated by a recent work by Chung-Pin Chou, Frank Pollmann and Ting-Kuo Lee, Phys. Rev. B 86, 041105(R), where matrix product based projected wave functions were considered as trial functions for Variational Monte Carlo simulations in one dimension.
We hope many of you will come !
Shiho Saito (, Theory of Quantum Matter Unit
Intra-Group Category
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