Past Events

Intro to Entrepreneurship Training Program

2023年9月8日 (金) 9:00 16:00

This 1-day introductory session in innovation and entrepreneurship will introduce participants to the concepts and principles of Lean Startup, Business Model components, Customer Development, and Evidence-based Entrepreneurship. The class will be suited for a wide range of students and researchers with an interest in learning more about technology commercialization and entrepreneurial opportunities at OIST and beyond.

Apply @

POC Program Open Hours

2023年8月16日 (水) 14:00 15:00
OIST Innovation space (Lab 3A)

We have biweekly open hours at OIST Innovation where you can come and talk with us about anything related to the Proof of Concept application process. 

POC Program Open Hours

2023年8月2日 (水) 14:00 15:00
OIST Innovation space (Lab 3A)

We have biweekly open hours at OIST Innovation where you can come and talk with us about anything related to the Proof of Concept application process. 

[Schedule Update, from 16PM][Seminar] "Subjective haptics: From product design to sensorimotor augmentation" by Prof. Yoshihiro Tanaka

2023年7月20日 (木) 16:00
C209, Central building

Dr. Yoshihiro Tanaka, Professor in Nagoya Institute of Technology / Inamori research institute for Science. 
Hosted by Cybernetic Humanity Studio (OIST - Sony CSL collaboration)

POC Program Open Hours

2023年7月19日 (水) 15:00 16:00
OIST Innovation space (Lab 3A)

We have biweekly open hours at OIST Innovation where you can come and talk with us about anything related to the Proof of Concept application process. 

POC Program Open Hours

2023年7月5日 (水) 14:00 15:00
OIST Innovation space (Lab 3A)

We have biweekly open hours at OIST Innovation where you can come and talk with us about anything related to the Proof of Concept application process. 



[Seminar] "Integrating interactive devices with the user’s body" by Dr. Pedro Lopes

2023年6月5日 (月) 14:30
C209, Central building

Dr. Pedro Lopes, Assistant Professor in Computer Science at the University of Chicago. 
Hosted by Cybernetic Humanity Studio (OIST - Sony CSL collaboration)

OIST Innovators Society - Global Hands-On VC

2023年3月13日 (月) 15:00 16:00
L4F01 (Lab 4, Level F)

Join us for coffee and conversation with the founders and managing partners of Global Hands-On VC (GHOVC) ( ), Shri Dodani and Ken Yasunaga.

Danish Design Center Seminar: "How should societal design change when the society expands?"

2023年1月27日 (金) 16:00 17:30

Dr. Christian Bason, CEO, Danish Design Center.  Language: English, Open to OIST Community

Fall 2022 Lean Startup Entrepreneurial Training Program: Final Presentations

2022年10月26日 (水) 9:00 12:00
Seminar Room L4E01

Language: English

Reservation required
