Neural Computation Workshop 2021



OIST conference center(Auditorium)



The aim is for current and former members of Doya unit to exchange recent progress and new ideas.



Neural Computation Workshop 2018

Neural Computation Workshop 2019


The general format is 30 minutes for the first two speakers and 20 minutes for the next two speakers in each session.


Abstract: (Abstract in PDF) updated 12.2


9:00-9:05   Opening

Session 1   
Chair: Katsuhiko Miyazaki (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology)
9:05    Akihiro Funamizu (University of Tokyo)
          “Integration of prior knowledge and sensory evidence on brain and AI”
9:35   Tomohiko Yoshizawa (Hokkaido University)
          ”Neural basis of regularity-based reward prediction”
10:05   Masakazu Taira (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology)
          “Serotonergic control of model-based decision making”
10:25   Yukako Yamane (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology)
          “Calcium imaging data analyses --- practice and tools”
10:45   Break
Session 2    
Chair: Takumi Kamioka (Honda R&D Co., Ltd.)
11:00   Jun Igarashi (RIKEN)
            “Toward mammalian whole brain-simulations: A parallel computing of a model of the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, and thalamus on the supercomputer and analysis on spatial features of the human macroscopic connectome”
11:30   Carlos Enrique Gutierrez (Softbank)
            “A collaborative framework for brain modeling “
12:00   Sergio Verduzco (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology)
            “In search of biological hierarchical reinforcement learning”
12:20   Makoto Otsuka (LiLz Inc.)
            “Building a Startup in Okinawa”
12:40-14:00   Photo Time & Lunch & Poster
Session 3     
Chair: Yukako Yamane (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology)
14:00   Junichiro Yoshimoto (NAIST)
           “Modeling Heterogeneous Brain Dynamics of Depression and Melancholia Using Energy Landscape Analysis” 
14:30   Tomoki Tokuda (ATR)
           “Multiple clustering based on Wishart mixture models and its application to psychiatric data”
15:00   Alan Fermin (Hiroshima University)
           “Neuroanatomical abnormalities and interoceptive disturbances in depression”
15:20   Yu Shimizu (Aikomi) 
           “Digital Therapy for People with Dementia and their Caregivers”
15:40   Break 
Session 4      
Chair: Yuzhe Li (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology)
16:00   Makoto Ito (LiNKX Inc.)
           Activities to implement modern technologies into society
           -- AI, robots, web development technology, etc. --
16:30   Eiji Uchibe (ATR)
           “Model-based and model-free imitation learning”
17:00   Hiroaki Hamada (Araya)
           “Curiosity as information search: Toward model-based curiosity ”
17:20   Kenji Doya (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology)
           “Next 10 years of Neural Computation Unit Kenji Doya“
17:40   Discussion
18:00   Closing
18:30   Dinner


Time line:
   Speakers registration: Closed
   Abstract submission deadline:Closed
   Registration deadline: Closed



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