Neural Computation Workshop 2019



Seaside House


The aim of the Neural Computation Workshop is for current and former members and collaborators of Neural Computation unit to exchange recent progresses and new ideas.

The general format is 30 minute for external speakers and 20 minutes for internal speakers, including discussions. 

Abstract: (Abstract in PDF)  Updated 3.12

9:20   Opening

Session 1     Chair: Katsuhiko Miyazaki
 9:30   Makoto Ito (Progress Technologies Inc.
"Industrial Use of Machine Learning"
10:00   Tomohiko Yoshizawa (Tamagawa University)
"Neural basis of regularity/irregularity cognition during the alternate-random reward task"
10:30   Yuzhe Li
Experimental and theoretical investigation of Bayesian inference across multiple layers in somatosensory cortex" 
               Abstract of Dr. Li's talk is HERE.
10:50   Break

Session 2     Chair: Kazumi Kasahara
11:10   Tomoki Tokuda (NAIST)
              "Predictions of depression and earthquake by means of statistical methods"
11:40   Junichiro Yoshimoto (NAIST)
             "Statistical analysis on characteristic whisker movements of mice observed in reward anticipation and acquisition"
12:10   Yukako Yamane
              "Study of activity of ventral visual neurons toward natural vision"
12:30   Lunch

Session 3     Chair: Marie-Lou Barnaud
14:00  Stefan Elfwing (ATR)
             "Online adaptation of meta-parameters and automatic constructions of reward functions in reinforcement learning"
14:30  Paavo Parmas
              "Model-based reinforcement learning by differentiating particle samples"
14:50  Jiexin Wang (ATR)
             "Multiple deep reinforcement learners from reward and punishment for robot navigation"
15:20  Christopher Buckley
             "Smartphone Based Robots for Reinforcement Learning"
15:40  Break 

Session 4     Chair: Hiroaki Hamada
16:00   Jun Igarashi (RIKEN)
              "Large scale simulation of a cortico-thalamo-cerebellar circuit on K computer"
16:30   Hiromichi Tsukada
              "A Study of Data Driven Model using Structural-Functional MRI Data of Common Marmoset Monkeys"
16:50   Carlos Enrique Gutierrez
              "A spiking neural network model of the whole-brain circuit linking basal ganglia, cerebellum and cortex"
17:10   Kenji Doya
              "Toward Evolutionary and Developmental Intelligence"
17:30   Discussion
18:00   Closing

18:30  BBQ party at Ocean Terrace, The Peridot Smart Hotel Tancha Ward 3F
           Fee 3,500 JPY  *includes 1 beer and Nomihoda for Sanpin-team Sekwasha juce, Mango juice
          *Registration is required. Please sign up by 15:00 on March 13 from HERE.

If you are interested in joining the workshop, pleaese contact Neural Computation unit secretary  <>.

Kikuko Matsuo
Neural Computation Unit


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