You are welcome to utilize these data for academic purposes. Please cite the original paper in your publication that used these data. For analyses that depend on our specific experimental designs, please contact us for collaboration/coauthorship.
Funamizu A, Kuhn B, Doya K (2016). Neural substrate of dynamic Bayesian inference in the cerebral cortex. Nature Neuroscience. doi:10.1038/nn.4390
- Readme
- Reconstructed 3D movies
- Examples of two-photon movies
- Examples of behavioral and imaging data
- Readme_session_data.pdf [133kB]
- PPC_layer2: 2014-3-27-mouse8-23.mat [564MB]
- PPC_layer5: 2014-3-29-mouse8-23.mat [380MB]
- Examples of original two-photon images for each trial (in preparation)
- PPC_layer2: 2014-3-27-mouse8-23_trial_50.mat [653MB]
- PPC_layer5: 2014-3-29-mouse8-23_trial_50.mat [600MB]
Ito M, Doya K (2009). Validation of decision-making models and analysis of decision variables in the rat basal ganglia. Journal of Neuroscience, 29, 9861-9874.