OIST-Tohoku University First Joint Workshop on Marine Sciences - Ocean Collapse and Regeneration - 海~崩壊と再生~

Ocean Collapse and Regeneration - 海 ~崩壊と再生~
- OIST-Tohoku University 1st Joint Workshop on Marine Science -
Please register here!
Please register here!
Speaker and Presentation's Abstract
Prof. Akihiro KIJIMA, Tohoku U
Prof. Kazuhiro KOGURE, AORI/U Ryukyus
Prof. Waka SATO-OKOSHI, Tohoku U
Associate Prof. Toyonobu FUJII, Tohoku U
Postdoctoral Researcher Misako MATSUBA, JAMSTEC
Associate Prof. Takashi NAKAMURA, U Ryukyus
Staff Scientist Yuna ZAYASU, OIST
Please click here to check the program.
Registration deadline : February 12, 2021
COVID-19 Prevention Measures
Participants are asked to:
- Bring and wear mask and wash hands with soap and disinfect fingers thoroughly.
- Maintain a sufficient distance between the speakers and other participants.
- Avoid having interactions before and after the event and during the breaks.
- Agree to the collecting information such as name, phone number, and health status in the event of a confirmed infection.
- Cooperate with the procedures of the local Public Health Center, in the event of a confirmed infection.
- Cooperate by self-isolating for 14 days if identified as a close-contacts case.
- Check health condition before attending an event by measuring body temperature etc.
- Refrain from attending an event if one falls into one of the following categories: ( cf. Guideline for events sponsored by Okinawa prefecture)
- Those who have symptoms of fever.
- Those who have cold symptoms.
- Those who have taken a medical examination or taken medication due to fever or cold symptoms within the past 14 days.
- Those who have visited regrions or countries where infections has spread within 14 days.
For more details, please visit here.
- https://oist.zoom.us/j/92946592204?pwd=YU9lNlJiM2ZyQkY5TzVlR2lmUUs3QT09
- Zoom ID: 929 4659 2204
- Zoom Passcode: 873909
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