Fundraising for Research Impact

Do you have an R&D project that you think could create impact? Are you looking for funding opportunities, but unsure of the best path to take? If so, then please sign up for our Fundraising Workshop. This is an all-day event that will be run by Craig Pollard, an internationally active fundraising consultant who helps non-profits, social enterprises, and startups turn their world-changing ideas into funded realities.
This event is open to OIST staff & researchers, Start-up Accelerator members and I2 incubator tenants. Sign up is now closed. Those that have already signed up will soon be receiving materials from the trainer.
Please also download the attachment for more detail of what will be covered in the workshop.
If you have more questions about the event, then contact Felix Rehnberg for more information at:
Sponsored by the Technology Development and Innovation Center, and the Proof of Concept Program.
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