Seminar by Dr. Geoffrey Schoenbaum (NIDA-Intramural Research Program)
Dear All,
Neural Computation Unit (Doya Unit) would like to invite you to the following seminar.
Date: Tuesday, the 18th of March
Time: 10:30-12:00
Venue: OIST Campus Center Bldg. Seminar room, C210 (Level C)
Speaker: Doctor Geoffrey Schoenbaum,
Senior investigator of NIDA-Intramural Research Program
Title: How do you (estimate you will) like them apples? The role of the orbitofrontal cortex in imagining outcomes and changes caused by the use of an addictive drug
Abstract of the talk:
The orbitofrontal cortex is often critical to value-guided behavior and learning. I will review evidence from inactivation and single-unit recording studies that suggests this is only true when the underlying value must be derived or estimated through a knowledge of the underlying associative structure of the environment and not when it can be pre-computed or cached based on direct prior experience.
If time permits, I will present parallel data showing that this function is selectively disrupted in rats after self-administration of cocaine..
We hope to see many of you at the seminar.
Doya Unit
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