[Seminar] "Bayesian modeling of the joint development of perception, action and phonology", Marie-Lou Barnaud
Dear All,
Neural Computation Unit (Doya Unit) would like to invite you to a seminar as follows.
Date: Monday, December 11, 2017
Time: 13:00-
Venue: Meeting Room D015 - L1 Bldg
Speaker: Marie-Lou Barnaud, GIPSA-lab Speech and Cognition, Grenoble, France.
Title: Bayesian modeling of the joint development of perception, action and phonology
Abstract: Both auditory and motor components intervene in speech perception as well as in speech production. However, their specific role in the speech communication process stays under debate. In this talk, I will present a Bayesian model of speech communication, named COSMO, enabling to study the joint development of perception, action and phonology. After describing the overall model, I will focus on the learning process. I will first show how specific differences between sensory, sensory-motor and motor processes can affect and shape the respective roles of auditory and motor representations in speech perception. Secondly, I will expose three principles facilitating exploration during sensory-motor learning. Then, I will address some results concerning developmental variability likely to result in the observation of idiosyncrasies. Some implications regarding hierarchies in sensory-motor and phonological structures and brain implementations will also be discussed. Finally, I will describe some prospects for future work.
We hope to see many of you.
Emiko Asato
Neural Computation Unit
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