Mini Workshop on Robot Learning as a Validation Tool for Neuroscience & Artificial Intelligence
Dear All,
Neural Computation Unit hosts the Mini Workshop on Robot Learning as a Validation Tool for Neuroscience & Artificial Intelligence as follows:
Title: Mini Workshop on Robot Learning as a Validation Tool for Neuroscience & Artificial Intelligence
Summary: Robot Learning is a good platform to demonstrate performance of AI and/or machine learning algorithms as well as validate hypotheses/models in neuroscience.
We organize a mini workshop on “Robot Learning as a Validation Tool for Neuroscience & Artificial Intelligence” by inviting three leading researchers in Japan.
The workshop is organized by two parts:
1. Talk by three invited speakers (30 min for each speaker):
* Prof. Jun Tani(OIST): Exploring Robotic Minds by Using Predictive Coding Principle
* Dr. Eiji Uchibe (ATR): Forward and inverse reinforcement learning and generative adversarial formulation
* Ass.Prof.Tadashi Yamazaki(UEC): Reevaluating a theory of cerebellar cortex
2. Panel discussion on Current issues and future direction of robot learning (30 min)
We look forward to many of you at the workshop.
Neural Computation Unit (Doya unit)
Intra-Group Category
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