Publications 2014
Satoh N.
Developmental Genomics of Ascidians.
Wiley Brackwell, New York. (2014)- Satoh, N., Rokhsar, D., Nishikawa, T.
Chordate evolution and the three-phylum system.
Proc. R. Soc. B. 281:1794 (2014)
(a) Environmental Genomics
- Shinzato, C., Yasuoka, Y., Mungpakdee, D., Arakaki, N., Fujie, M., Nakajima, Y., Satoh, N.
Development of novel, cross-species microsatellite markers for Acropora corals using next-generation sequencing technology.
Front. Mar. Sci., doi: 10.3389/fmars.2014.00011 (2014) - Mungpakdee, S., Shinzato, C., Takeuchi, T., Kawashima, T., Koyanagi, R., Hisata, K., Tanaka, M., Goto, H., Fujie, M., Lin, S., Satoh, N., and Shoguchi, E.
Massive gene transfer and extensive RNA editing of a symbiotic dinoflagellate plastid genome.
Genome Biol Evol. 6(6):1408-22. doi: 10.1093/gbe/evu109. (2014) - Shinzato C, Inoue M, Kusakabe M.
A snapshot of a coral “holobiont”: A transcriptome assembly of the scleractinian coral, Porites, captures a wide variety of genes from both the host and symbiotic zooxanthellae.
PLoS ONE 9(1): e85182. (2014) - Shinzato, C., Mungpakdee, S., Satoh, N., Shoguchi, E.
A genomic approach to coral-dinoflagellate symbiosis: Studies of Acropora digitifera and Symbiodinium minutum. Frontier in Microbiology. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00336. (2014) - Tsuta H, Shinzato C, Satoh N, Hidaka M.
Telomere Shortening in the Colonial Coral Acropora digitifera During Development.
Zoolog Sci 31(3):129-34. (2014) - Nakajima Y., Shinzato, C., Inagaki, F., Satoh, N., Khalturina, M., Mitarai, S.
Cross-species, amplifiable microsatellite markers for neoverrucid barnacles from deep-sea hydrothermal vents developed using next-generation sequencing.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2014, 15, 14364-14371; doi:10.3390/ijms150814364 (2014) - Bosch,T.C.G., Adamska, M., Augustin, R., Domazet-Loso, T., Foret, S., Fraune, S., Funayama, N., Grasis, J., Hamada, H., Hatta, M., Hobmayer, B., Kawai, K., Klimovich, A., Manuel, M., Shinzato, C., Technau, U., Yum, S., J. Miller, D.J.
How do environmental factors influence life cycles and development? An experimental framework for early-diverging metazoans.
Bioessays. 36, 1185-1194 (2014)
(b) Developmental Evolutionary Genomics
- GIGA Community of Scientists, Bracken-Grissom H, Collins AG, Collins T, Crandall K, Distel D, Dunn C, Giribet G, Haddock S, Knowlton N, Martindale M, Medina M, Messing C, O'Brien SJ, Paulay G, Putnam N, Ravasi T, Rouse GW, Ryan JF, Schulze A, Wörheide G, Adamska M, Bailly X, Breinholt J, Browne WE, Diaz MC, Evans N, Flot JF, Fogarty N, Johnston M, Kamel B, Kawahara AY, Laberge T, Lavrov D, Michonneau F, Moroz LL, Oakley T, Osborne K, Pomponi SA, Rhodes A, Santos SR, Satoh N, Thacker RW, Van de Peer Y, Voolstra CR, Welch DM, Winston J, Zhou X.
The Global Invertebrate Genomics Alliance (GIGA): developing community resources to study diverse invertebrate genomes.
J Hered 105(1):1-18. (2014) Fuchs B, Wang W, Graspeuntner S, Li Y, Insua S, Herbst EM, Dirksen P, Böhm AM, Hemmrich G, Sommer F, Domazet-Lošo T, Klostermeier UC, Anton-Erxleben F, Rosenstiel P, Bosch TC, Khalturin K.
Regulation of polyp-to-jellyfish transition in Aurelia aurita.
Curr Biol. 24:263-73. (2014)- Yasuoka, Y., Suzuki, Y., Takahashi S., Someya, H., Sudou, N., Haramoto, Y., Cho, K.W., Asashima, M., Sugano, S., Taira, M.
Occupancy of tissue-specific cis-regulatory modules by Otx2 and TLE/Groucho for embryonic head specification.
Nature communications, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms5322. (2014) - Iitsuka T, Mita K, Hozumi A, Hamada M, Satoh N, Sasakura Y.
Transposon-mediated targeted and specific knockdown of maternally expressed transcripts in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis.
Sci Rep. doi: 10.1038/srep05050. (2014) - Gyoja F.
A genome-wide survey of bHLH transcription factors in the Placozoan Trichoplax adhaerens reveals the ancient repertoire of this gene family in metazoan..
Gene 542:29-37. (2014) - Tagawa K, Arimoto A, Sasaki A, Izumi M, Humphreys T, Fujiyama A, Kagoshima H, Shin-I T, Kohara Y, Satoh N, Kawashima T.
A cDNA resource for gene expression studies of a hemichordate, Ptychodera flava.
Zool. Sci., 31(7):414-20. (2014) - Ebchuqin E, Yokota N, Yamada L, Yasuoka Y, Akasaka M, Arakawa M, Deguchi R, Mori T, Sawada H.
Evidence for participation of GCS1 in fertilization of the starlet sea anemone Nematostella vectensis: Implication of a common mechanism of sperm-egg fusion in plants and animals.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 5;451(4):522-528. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2014.08.006. (2014) - Satou Y, Hirayama K, Mita K, Fujie M, Chiba S, Yoshida R, Endo T, Sasakura Y, Inaba K, Satoh N.
Sustained heterozygosity across a self-incompatibility locus in an inbred ascidian.
Mol Biol Evol. on line. (2014) - Baughman KW, McDougall C, Cummins SF, Hall M, Degnan BM, Satoh N, Shoguchi E.
Genomic organization of Hox and ParaHox clusters in the echinoderm, Acanthaster planci.
Genesis. , 52(12): 952-8. (2014) - Satoh N, Tagawa K, Lowe CJ, Yu JK, Kawashima T, Takahashi H, Ogasawara M, Kirschner M, Hisata K, Su YH, Gerhart J
On a possible evolutionary link of the stomochord of hemichordates to pharyngeal organs of chordates
genesis, 52(12): 925–934 (2014)
(c) Functional genomics
- Gusev O, Suetsugu Y, Cornette R, Kawashima T, Logacheva MD, Kondrashov AS, Penin AA, Hatanaka R, Kikuta S, Shimura S, Kanamori H, Katayose Y, Matsumoto T, Shagimardanova E, Alexeev D, Govorun V, Wisecaver J, Mikheyev A, Koyanagi R, Fujie M, Nishiyama T, Shigenobu S, Shibata TF, Golygina V, Hasebe M, Okuda T, Satoh N, Kikawada T.
Comparative genome sequencing reveals genomic signature of extreme desiccation tolerance in the anhydrobiotic midge.
Nat Commun. 12;5:4784. doi: 10.1038/ncomms5784. (2014)
(d) Other Fields (Fish taxonomy and ecology)
- Maeda K.
51 species in “Gobioidei (pp 1215–1339)” Okiyama M. (ed) An Atlas of Early Stage Fishes in Japan Second Edition
Tokai University Press, Japan (2014) - Maeda K.
Stiphodon niraikanaiensis, a new species of sicydiine goby from Okinawa Island (Gobiidae: Sicydiinae).
Ichthyological Research, 61: 99-107 (2014) - Maeda K, Tachihara K.
Larval fish fauna of a sandy beach and an estuary on Okinawa Island, focusing on larval habitat utilization by the suborder Gobioidei.
Fish Sci 80: 1215–1229 (2014)