Publications 2011
- Shinzato, C., Shoguchi, E., Kawashima, T., Hamada, M., Hisata, K., Tanaka, M., Fujie, M., Fujiwara, M., Koyanagi, R., Ikuta, T., Fujiyama, A., Miller, D. J., and Satoh, N.
Using the Acropora digitifera genome to understand coral responses to environmental change.
Nature, 476(7360):320-323. (2011) - Horie, T., Shinki, R., Ogura, Y., Kusakabe, T. G., Satoh, N., and Sasakura, Y.
Ependymal cells of chordate larvae are stem-like cells that form the adult nervous system.
Nature 469 (7331):525-528. (2011) - Ogura, Y., Sakaue-Sawano, A., Nakagawa, M., Satoh, N., Miyawaki, A., and Sasakura, Y. 2011.
Coordination of mitosis and morphogenesis: role of a prolonged G2 phase during chordate neurulation.
Development, 138(3):577-587. (2011) - Yamada, S., Ueno, N., Satoh, N., and Takahashi, H.
Ciona intestinalis Noto4 contains a phosphotyrosine interaction domain and is involved in the midline interaction of notochord cells.
Intern. J. Dev. Biol., 55(1):11-18. (2011) - Hamada, M., Shimozono, N., Ohta, N., Satou, Y., Horie, T., Kawada, T., Satake, H., Sasakura, Y., and Satoh, N.
Expression of Neuropeptide- and Hormone-Encoding Genes in the Ciona intestinalis Larval Brain
Dev. Biol., 352(2):202-214. (2011) - Shoguchi, E., Fujie, M., and Hamada, M.
No chromosomal clustering of housekeeping genes in the marine chordate Ciona intestinalis
Marine Genomics, 4 (3):151-157. (2011) - Shoguchi, E., Hamada, M., Fujie, M., and Satoh, N.
Direct examination of chromosomal clustering of organ-specific genes in the chordate Ciona intestinalis
Genesis, 49(8):662-72. (2011) - Nakashima, K., Nishino, A., Horikawa, Y., Hirose, E., Sugiyama, J., and Satoh, N.
The crystalline phase of cellulose changes under developmental control in a marine choradte.
Cellular and Molecular Life Science, 68(9):1623-1631. (2011) - Satoh, N.
Tunicate embryos and cell specification (version 2.0)
Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (2011) - Maeda, K., Mukai, T., and Tachihara, K.
Newly collected specimens of the sleeper Eleotris acanthopoma (Teleostei: Eleotridae) from French Polynesia indicate a wide and panmictic distribution in the West and South Pacific
Pacific Science 65: 257–264 (2011) Nakashima, K., Nishino, A., Hirose, E.
Forming a tough shell via an intracellular matrix and cellular junctions in the tail epidermis of Oikopleura dioica (Chordata: Tunicata: Appendicularia).
Naturwissenschaften98(8): 661-669. (2011)- Yoshida, M. A., Ishikura, Y., Moritaki, T., Shoguchi, E., Shimizu, K. K., Sese, J., Ogura, A.
Genome structure analysis of molluscs revealed whole genome duplication and lineage specific repeat variation.
Gene 483 (1-2):63-71. (2011) - Iguchi, A., Shinzato, C., Foret, S., and Miller, D. J.
Identification of Fast-Evolving Genes in the Scleractinian Coral Acropora Using Comparative EST Analysis.
PLoS One 6 (6):e20140. (2011) - Ikuta, T.
Evolution of Invertebrate Deuterostomes and Hox/ParaHox Genes.
Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics vol.9 issue3 p.77-76. (2011) - Katayama, T., Wilkinson, M. D., Vos, R., Kawashima, T., Kawashima, S., Nakao, M., Yamamoto, Y., Chun, H. W., Yamaguchi, A., Kawano, S., Aerts, J., Aoki-Kinoshita, K. F., Arakawa, K., Aranda, B., Bonnal, R. J., Fernandez, J. M., Fujisawa, T., Gordon, P. M., Goto, N., Haider, S., Harris, T., Hatakeyama, T., Ho, I., Itoh, M., Kasprzyk, A., Kido, N., Kim, Y. J., Kinjo, A. R., Konishi, F., Kovarskaya, Y., von Kuster, G., Labarga, A., Limviphuvadh, V., McCarthy, L., Nakamura, Y., Nam, Y., Nishida, K., Nishimura, K., Nishizawa, T., Ogishima, S., Oinn, T., Okamoto, S., Okuda, S., Ono, K., Oshita, K., Park, K. J., Putnam, N., Senger, M., Severin, J., Shigemoto, Y., Sugawara, H., Taylor, J., Trelles, O., Yamasaki, C., Yamashita, R., Satoh, N., and Takagi, T.
The 2nd DBCLS BioHackathon: interoperable bioinformatics Web services for integrated applications.
J Biomed Semantics 2 (1):4. (2011) - Shinzato, C. and Satoh, N.
A review for the coral genome paper, "Using the Acropora digitifera genome to understand coral responses to environmental change."
First Author's, online publication (2011) - Onimaru, K., Shoguchi, E., Kuratani, S., and Tanaka, M. 2011.
Development and evolution of the lateral plate mesoderm: Comparative analysis of amphioxus and lamprey with implications for the acquisition of paired fins.
Developmental Biology, 359(1):124-136. (2011) - Hirose, E., Nakashima, K., and Nishino, A.
Is there intracellular cellulose in the appendicularian tail epidermis? A tale of the adult tail of an invertebrate chordate.
Communicative & Integrative Biology 4 (6). (2011) - Noda, T.
The maternal genes Ci-p53/p73-a and Ci-p53/p73-b regulate zygotic ZicL expression and notochord differentiation in Ciona intestinalis embryos.
Developmental Biology, 360(1):216-229. (2011) - 前田健・山崎望・向井貴彦・立原一憲.
魚類学雑誌 Japanese Journal of Ichthyology 58:127-140. (2011) - Maeda, K., Saeki, T., and Tachihara, K.
New record of a freshwater terapontid fish, Mesopristes cancellatus (Teleostei: Terapontidae) from Okinawa Island in the Ryukyu Archipelago.
Biogeography 13:45-50. (2011) - Miller, D. J., Ball, E. E., Foret, S., and Satoh, N.
Coral genomics and transcriptomics – Ushering in a new era in coral biology.
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 408:114-119. (2011)