International Funding Agency Seminar


2018年3月5日 (月) 9:002018年3月6日 (火) 12:00


B250 and the Conference Center meeting rooms (1~4)


Sessions will be offered on Competitive Research Funding Programs, Bilateral/Multilateral Funding Opportunities and the Integration of Gender Equality Policy in Research Funding.  Participants will learn about funding opportunities in the funding agencies and learn about the review criteria, tips for successful proposal writing, and how they monitor the progress of awarded grants.  The agencies will detail programs designed to promote international collaboration involving Japanese researchers, with a focus on how the proposals are solicited, how the funding decisions are made, and how researchers at Japanese universities can apply/participate.  Panelists will discuss national policies on gender equality in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) in his/her country, and how those policies are integrated/ incorporated into the management of their national competitive funding programs. Here is the full agenda.

Invited agencies:
European Research Council (ERC)
UK Research Innovation (UKRI)
German Research Foundation (DFG)
Japan Science & Technology Agency (JST)
U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF)
National Health & Medical Research Council Australia (NHMRC)
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Human Frontiers Science Program (HFSP)
Equality Challenge Unit Athena SWAN​

The seminar is free.

Co-sponsors:  Dean of Graduate School, Dean of Faculty Affairs,
Office of Dean of Research and the Gender Equality and Human Resource Development Division



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