OIST has joined "1st Round", the largest multi-university co-sponsored entrepreneurship support program in Japan

We are proud to announce that OIST has joined "1st Round", the largest multi-university co-sponsored entrepreneurship support program in Japan, led by UTokyo Innovation Platform (UTokyo IPC).
With this participation, we hope to further promote the growth of global startups. We look forward to the new synergies that will be created by combining UTokyo IPC's extensive experience in supporting startups with OIST's international network.
Please find details below:
国内最大規模のアカデミア技術シーズ社会実装プログラム「1stRound」へ。 共催17大学に加え国立研究機関も参画。 ~沖縄科学技術大学院大学(OIST)、金沢大学、近畿大学、東京理科大学に加え、日本原子力研究開発機構(JAEA)、量子科学技術研究開発機構(QST)が参画~ | NEWS | 東大IPC−東京大学協創プラットフォーム開発株式会社 (utokyo-ipc.co.jp)
About 1st Round:
1stRound | 国内最大級大学横断型起業支援プログラム
UTokyo IPC:
UTokyoIPC - Utokyo Innovation Platform Co.,Ltd. (utokyo-ipc.co.jp)