Climate Launchpad 21 - Join the Largest Green Business Idea Competition

Zoom link for the event here. This is for anyone interested in scaling up their green ideas.
Climate Launchpad is the largest green business idea competition in the world. They help you scale your green idea to global impact. Come along to this event if you have an environmentally focused intiative, or if you are just curious!
Christian Schmitz is Founder/CEO of PDIE Group. After a corporate career with large multinationals such as Bayer, BASF and Henkel, Christian started his consulting firm Aventa back in 2009 and offered strategic consulting to numerous international and domestic Japanese clients. He has built and run several startups and invested as early stage angel investor. In 2019, he founded the PDIE = Purpose Driven Innovation Ecosystem to connect innovators, change makers and entrepreneurs on a global scale and foster sustainable innovation. He currently acts as CMO and Head of Asia for the global rice trading platform Rice Exchange. His passion is co-creating a better tomorrow through innovation.
Interested? Join via the Zoom link here.
This event is sponsored by the Technology Development and Innovation Center. Contact for more information.
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