DiRT2D - 2015: Disorder and its Role in Transport in 2D systems



OIST Seaside House and OIST Main Campus, Seminar Room B250


Next year, 2015 marks the 35th anniversary since the discovery of the quantum Hall effect (QHE) by Klaus von Klitzing (1985 Nobel Prize) which brought up a myriad of further surprising discoveries. Among these are fractional QHE, stripe and bubble phases, excitonic condensates, and microwave-induced zero-resistance states, to name a few. Most of these discoveries owe to the remarkable progress in growth of extremely high-purity GaAs/AlGaAs structures. Recently, some of these exotic effects have been realized in other environments, e.g. in non-degenerate electrons on the surface of liquid helium.

It is generally accepted that high purity of the material, which is characterized by the mobility of charge carriers, is a necessary ingredient for the observation of these exotic phenomena. However, there is a growing experimental evidence of poor correlation between the mobility and the "quality" of the phenomenon under study. Evidently, it is very timely to re-examine the role of disorder on quantum transport.

The main objective of this symposium is to bring together leading material scientists and physicists working on quantum transport in various 2D systems to discuss ongoing developments and exchange ideas on different types of disorder and their roles on the above-mentioned transport phenomena.  The workshop topics include (with the emphasis on roles of disorder):

  •  historical overview of the QHE;
  •  strongly anisotropic phases in 2D electron and hole systems;
  •  even-denominator and other exotic fractional quantum Hall states;
  •  exciton condensation in electron bilayers;
  •  nonequilibrium phenomena, e.g. zero-resistance states, in high Landau levels;
  •  microwave-driven electrons on the surface of liquid helium;
  •  role of alloy disorder on conventional and non-equilibrium transport;
  •  quantum and transport lifetimes as “quality” metrics of quantum Hall systems;
  •  characterization of disorder using conventional and nonequilibrium transport;
  •  role of density fluctuations;
  •  advances and prospects in growth of high quality materials.



  • Denis Konstantinov, Quantum Dynamics Unit, OIST
  • Michael Zudov, University of Minnesota, USA

For more information regarding this, please visit the "DiRT2D - 2015: Disorder and its Role in Transport in 2D systems" website at https://groups.oist.jp/dirt2d

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Quantum Dynamics Unit (Denis Konstantinov, Associate Professor)
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