[Catch-All Mathematical Colloquium] Professor Motoko Kotani (Tohoku University )


Friday, July 22, 2022 - 15:00 to 17:00


Online via Zoom


The colloquium will be held once a month online. Each event consists of a one-hour talk on mathematics followed by a one-hour diversity panel discussion session. Please register before July 18, 5 pm. Click here to register!

Speaker: Professor Motoko  Kotani, Tohoku University

Part I 
Title:  Discrete geometric analysis and its application
Abstract: Discrete geometric analysis is an attempt to discretize geometric analysis. Mathematics is often said “a common language of science”. As our world consists of atoms, which we consider as discrete objects, developing language to describe discrete objects, their geometric structures in particular, is important. I would like to discuss our challenge to establish discrete geometric analysis and its application to other science.

Part II

Have fun in interacting with people from different interests.



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