
Chiyo Eto
Research Unit Administrator
Email: chiyo.eto at
Antoni Kijowski Postdoctoral Scholar 2020-November to 2023 October
Rotation Students
Made Benny Prasetya Wiranata 2023 September-December
Geoffrey Garcia 2022 January-April
Jonas Schneider 2022 January-April
Research Interns
Jason Lu
Email: at
Affiliation: University of Pennsylvania
I am a rising fourth-year student at the University of Pennsylvania studying chemical engineering and mathematics through the energy research program. In the past I have done chemical engineering research in studying oxide materials, but I am looking forward to working with Professor Zhou's unit.
Visit Date at OIST: 5/25/23-8/18/23
Viktoria Ipatenkova
Email: ipatenkovaviktoria at
Affiliation: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
I am a fourth-year student of MIPT Department of General and Applied Physics. I am now more interested in Math. I am fascinated by the results that this science achieves. At the institute I am engaged in the development of rough geometry in group theory. After graduation I would like to continue my scientific path in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics. I'm really happy that I get to work with people from the Unit Analysis on Metric Spaces.
Visit Date at OIST: 21/07/23-21/09/23