Ye Zhang
Ye Zhang
Postdoctoral Scholar
PhD, Fudan University, 2022
Research Interests
- Heat kernel asymptotics on step-two Carnot groups
- Analysis on metric measure spaces
- Sub-Riemannian geometry/functional inequalities on Carnot groups
- Stochastic analysis on manifolds
Publication and Preprints
Revisiting the heat kernel on isotropic and nonisotropic Heisenberg groups, with Hong-Quan Li, Comm. Partial Differential Equations, 44(6), (2019)
Sub-Riemannian geometry on some step-two Carnot groups, with Hong-Quan Li, arXiv:2102.09860
On the method of differentiation and its application to asymptotics for the heat kernel on H-type groups, arXiv:2107.11747
A note on gradient estimates for the heat semigroup on nonisotropic Heisenberg groups, arXiv:2109.12590
A complete answer to the Gaveau-Brockett problem, with Hong-Quan Li, arXiv:2112.07927