Learning Uchinaaguchi - Registration
Please contact robyn.serge@oist.jp to be placed on the waiting list.
Thank you for your interst - we will host another course in the near future.
Welcome to the Registration page for Basic Uchinaaguchi
This is an Eedee Activity
Eedee: Working together in Onna-son language
Eedee: 恩納村の方言で一緒に仕事をしましょう
Period of class 期間 |
Wednesday, 13 Oct 2021 until Wednesday, 22 Dec 2021 (No class on Wed, 3 Nov due to Japanese holiday) 10月13日(水)から12月22日(水)(11月3日祝祭日の為、クラスはありません) |
Day & Time 時間
Every Wednesday from 19:00-20:15 (75 mins) 毎週水曜日19:00から20:15(75分) |
Zoom |
Zoom link will be provided each week from the teachers via your registered email account. 毎週、講師よりZoomのリンクが登録されたメールアドレスに届きます。 |
Instructor 講師 |
Gijs van der Lubbe and Misato Matsuda |
Contact 連絡先 |
Gijs van der Lubbe <gijs.van.der.lubbe@gmail.com> Misato Matsuda <misato.matsuda@oist.jp> |
Cost 費用 |
Free 無料 |
Certificate 証明書 PCD credit PCDクレジット |
You will receive a certificate of completion if you attend all sessions. すべてのクラスに参加した方々には証明書を発行します。 Please speak with Aya Puca regarding student PCD credit for this class. PCD クレジットに関しては プカ あやさんにお問い合わせください。 |
What is Uchinaaguchi?
Uchinaaguchi is the native name of the Okinawan language, which is Indigenously spoken on Okinawa and some of the surrounding islands. Uchinaaguchi is one of the Ryukyuan languages. Uchinaaguchi and the other Ryukyuan languages are sister languages of Japanese, and they differ in the same degree as Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and French.
What is this Uchinaaguchi class about?
You have likely heard words in Uchinaaguchi like Haisai/Haitai (Hello), Tiida (Sun), Mensooree (Welcome) on campus or around the island. Do you want to explore more? During this introductory Uchinaaguchi class, you will learn Uchinaaguchi greetings, phrases, vocabulary, and a taste of grammar. By the end of the class, you will have learned: 1) a significant amount of basic vocabulary, 2. how to introduce yourself in Uchinaaguchi, and 3. new ways to connect with local friends who are native Uchinaaguchi speakers. This class is open to everybody, and will be taught in English. but knowing a bit of Japanese is helpful.
キャンパスや沖縄ではいさい・はいたい(こんにちは)、てぃーだ(太陽)、めんそーれ(ようこそ)のようなうちなーぐちは聞いたことがあると思います。もっと知りたいと思いませんか?このうちなーぐち入門クラスでは 挨拶、フレーズ、語彙、文法などを学びます。クラスが終わるまでには 1)相当量の基本語彙 2)うちなーぐちでの自己紹介 3)うちなーぐちを話す地元のお友達と新しく交流をもつ ことができるはずです。授業は英語で行われ、だれでも参加ができます。
What topics will we cover?
Date 日付 |
Topics トピック |
Lesson for today 授業内容 |
Goals ゴール |
Wednesday, Oct. 13 10/13(水) |
はいさい/はいたい |
Self-introduction About Uchinaaguchi 自己紹介 うちなーぐちについて |
Memorize phrases and introduce yourself フレーズを覚えて自己紹介する Understand what kind of language Uchinaaguchi is うちなーぐちとはどんな言葉か理解する |
Wednesday, October 20 10/20(水) |
ぬー やいびーが? |
Nominal predicate sentences 5w3h questions 述語文章 5w3hクエスチョン |
Make simple sentences in the present tense 現在形の簡単な文章を作成する Ask questions with question words 疑問詞を使って質問する |
Wednesday, October 27 10/27(水) |
まじゅん めんせーみ? |
Yes/No questions はい/いいえクエスチョン |
Ask questions that can be answered with “yes” or “no” はい/いいえで答えられる質問をする |
Wednesday, November 10 11/10(水) |
かめー、かめー! |
Imperative forms 命令文 |
Make requests リクエストをする |
Wednesday, November 17 11/17(水) |
さびーん |
Verbs 動詞 |
Understand how to conjugate verbs 動詞活用の方法を理解する |
Wednesday, November 24 11/24(水) |
ちゅらさん |
Adjectives 形容詞 |
Understand how to use adjectives 形容詞の使い方を理解する |
Wednesday, December 1 12/1(水) |
むぬ |
Nouns (food and drink) 名詞(食べ物と飲み物) |
Learn vocabulary concerning food and drink 食べ物と飲み物の語彙を学ぶ |
Wednesday, December 8 12/8(水) |
ちーち、たーち、 みーち |
Nouns (numbers and body) 名詞(数字とからだ) |
Learn numbers and vocabulary for body parts 数字とからだのパーツを学ぶ |
Wednesday, December 15 12/15(水) |
さびら! |
Intention/Invitation 目的/招待 |
Make simple sentences expressing an intention or an invitation 目的や招待を表現する簡単な文章を作成する |
Wednesday, December 22 12/22(水) |
しーぶさん |
Volition 意志 |
How to say what you want to do 自分が何がしたいかを伝える |
Meet Your Teachers
Gijs van der Lubbe, Ph.D (he/him)
Born in Santpoort, The Netherlands is a JSPS Postdoctoral International Research Fellow, at the Graduate School of Regional Culture, Okinawa International University.
His research focuses on the grammatical description of the Northern Ryukyuan languages, and the development of learning materials. He is doing fieldwork on Okinoerabu Ryukyuan (Shimamuni), Torishima Ryukyuan (Tuishimaguchi), and several varieties of Okinawa Ryukyuan (Uchinaaguchi). Other activities are hosting a radio show entirely in Okinawan on a local radio station, and the organization of Uchinaaguchi courses.
オランダ サントポール生まれ、沖縄国際大学地域文化研究科にて日本学術振興会外国人特別研究員
Misato Matsuda, Administrative Staff, Faculty Affairs Office at OIST (she/her)
松田 美怜 OISTアドミニストレイティブスタッフ
Born in Sobe, Yomitan Village, is an administrator at the Faculty Affairs Office at OIST. Outside of work, she enjoys organizing and facilitating the Uchinaaguchi study group “Uchinaaguchi Shuutoku Binchookwai.” She grew up listening to Uchinaaguchi but never learned to speak it until she was an adult. She recruited Dr Gijs van der Lubbe and formed the study group in 2013. Since then, they have been trying to preserve Uchinaaguchi by teaching it to, and speaking it with members of their study group.
読谷村楚辺に生まれ、OISTのアドミニストレイティブスタッフ。仕事のほかにはうちなーぐち習得びんちょーかい”を組織する。うちなーぐちを聞いて育ったが、大人になるまで話すことを学ばなかった。Dr Gijs van der Lubbeに出会い、2013年にグループを結成。それ以来メンバー同士でうちなーぐちを教えたり話したりしながらうちなーぐちの維持に努めている。
This class is Free and is limited to 20 participants. We ask that you please make a committment to attending if you register.