English Language Learning



Registration is at the bottom of this page.




Classes Start: Monday, May 16th

Students can start any time and stop anytime. Payments can be prorated.

Days the Class meet:  Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

Class Location: Seaside House SAP Building

Time: 16:00-17:00

English Language Learning for Native Japanese Speaking Children

"We feel the most important part of language learning for children at the elementary school age is that they enjoy using English and see it as something that is fun and confidence-building. If young learners have positive and fun experiences with learning a second language, they will be more likely to use their second language in the future when it becomes important for school exams and job interviews. Therefore we are focusing on fun activities in class. That said, we want the course to be productive to the students learning. We are sending daily homework and ensuring the class has a good balance of the 4 main skills of language learning which are reading, writing, speaking, and listening."

Details on the class structure and monthly price

  • We have a levelling system that means students are participating in slightly different activities based  on their level and language learning needs.
  • The course will be ¥22,500/monthly for a maximum of 12 hours of study.
  • We will also be adding a daily report card update and monthly progress reports so that parents can keep up to date with how their child is doing in class.

Supported by Recreation Services

開始日: 2022年5月16日 月曜日


クラス日:  月曜日、水曜日、金曜日

場所: シーサイドハウス SAP 棟

時間: 16:00-17:00


⼩学⽣の⼦どもたちにとって英語学習の最も重要な部分は、⼦どもたちが英語を使うことを楽しみ、そして楽しみながら学ぶことで⾃信に繋がっていくことだと私たちは考えております。第⼆⾔語の学習をポジティブに楽しみながら体験した⼦どもたちは、学校での試験や就職の⾯接など彼らの将来の重要となる場⾯で、第⼆⾔語を使う可能性が⾼くなっていきます。クラスで⼦どもたちにアクティビティを楽しんでもらっているのはそのためです。とはいえ、⽣徒たちがクラスで学んだことが⾝に付き、学習の成果をもたらすことも望んでいます。楽しみながら学ぶだけでなく、宿題など課題をあたえながら語学学習の4 つの主要なスキルである「読む」「書く」「話す」「聞く」のバランスがうまく取れるようにも取り組んでいます。


  • クラスを年齢別に分けることはせず、各々の⽣徒に合わせた レベルにクラスを分け、少しずつ異なるアクティビティを⽤意 し個々の必要性に応じた学習システムを提供します。
  • ⽉額 22,500円(税込み)合計12時間 となります。
  • お⼦さまのクラスでの様⼦と進捗情報を保護者の⽅が把握できるように、デイリーレポートカードの更新と月々の成果報告を提供します。



1 Start 2 Complete
Please write in Katakana or English
Please write in Katakana or English
please communicate with the teaching staff on payment and months you would like to register your child.
Options are Cash, or bank transfer or Square. After registering, the instructor will arrange the method of payment with you. Please pay before the first session. The instructors will be signing a non - disclosure agreement \ declaration regarding personal information to protect your information and your child's information.