Tsumoru Shintake

Tsumoru Shintake
1983 PhD in Engineering (Kyushu University, Japan) "Development of Microwave Undulator"
1978 BSc in Engineering (Kyushu University, Japan) "Development of EBIS ion source"
1978 BSc in Engineering (Kyushu University, Japan) "Development of EBIS ion source"
- 1995 Achievement in Accelerator Physics and Technology Award by US Particle Accelerator School for "Achievement of Nanometer Spot Size Monitor at FFTB SLAC"
- 1995 Accelerator Society of Japan Award
- 2007 RIKEN Significant Technical Contribution Award for First Lasing of SCSS FEL
- 2007 RIKEN award for excellent educational service “Shintake School”
- 2011 FEL Prize for contribution to free electron laser science
- 2012 Hyogo Science Award for contribution to SACLA project
- 2014 Gersch Budker Prize for leading the design, construction, commissioning and operation of the SACLA X-Ray Free Electron Laser
- 2015 Optics and Quantum Electronics Achievement Award (Takuma Award), Japan Society of Applied Physics
Research Career
- High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
- RIKEN Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI) (Spring-8)
Selected Publications
- Tsumoru Shintake, Hitoshi Tanaka, Toru Hara and Takashi Tanaka et al., "A compact free-electron laser for generating coherent radiation in the extreme ultraviolet region", Nature Photonics, Vol 2, Sept. 2008.
- T. Shintake, “Possibility of single bio-molecule imaging with coherent amplification of weak scattering X-ray photons", Physical Review E-78, 041906 (2008)
- K. Togawa and T. Shintake et. al., "CeB6 electron gun for low-emittance injector" Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 10, 020703 (2007)
- T. Shintake and SCSS Team, “FIRST LASING AT SCSS”, FEL2006 conference, Berlin, August, 2006
- SCSS X-FEL Conceptual Design Report, edited by T. Shintake and T. Tanaka (RIKEN Harima Institute/SPring-8, Sayo, Japan, 2004)
- T. Shintake, H. Matsumoto, T. Ishikawa and H. Kitamura, "SPring-8 Compact SASE Source (SCSS)", Proc. SPIE 4500, 12-23 (2001)
- T. Shintake, N. Akasaka, K.L.F. Bane, H. Hayano, K. Kubo, H. Matsumoto, S. Matsumoto, K. Oide and K. Yokoya, “C-band Linac RF System for e+e- Linear Collider”, Proc. 16th Biennial Particle Accelerator Conference: PAC '95, Dallas, TX, USA, 1 - 5 May 1995 - IEEE, New York, 1995. pp. 1099-1101
- T. Shintake, "Proposal of a nanometer beam size monitor for e+e- linear colliders", Nucl. Instrum. & Meth. in Physics Research A311 (1992) 453-464
- T. Shintake, "The Choke Mode Cavity", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Vol. 31 (1992) pp. L 1567-L1570, part 2, No. 11A: KEK-Preprint-92-51
- Contributed to “Handbook of Accelerator Physics and Engineering” edited by Alex Chao and Maury Tigner, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., ISBIN 9810235005 (1999)
- Chapter 39; Single Bio-molecule Imaging, “Handbook of Nanophysics: Principles and Method”, Edited by Klaus D. Sattler, will be published Sept. 2010