【Closing Ceremony】CYCLE Exhibition 2024



OIST Tunnel Gallery


【Closing Ceremony】CYCLE Exhibition 2024

 Date: Thursday, November 14, 2024,

 Location:OIST Tunnel Gallery


We look forward to having you join us! 

Please enjoy this opportunity to interact with OPUA(Geidai) students.

*Everyone is welcome to attend this events, No reservation required.


13:00 Student social gathering(OIST Student Council / Geidai Students)

         *Location: C700

Presentations from both schools on their schools, research, daily life, etc. Afterwards, exchange of opinions, etc. in groups.  

14:00 Teatime / Gathering to enjoy the exhibition at the Tunnel Gallery

        *Location: Tunnel Gallery

          Teatime ends at 14:45

15:00 Closing Ceremony

          Remarks, Award Ceremony, etc.

           <Closing Remarks>Remarks from board members and the president

             Geidai: Vice President, Dean of Graduate School of Formative Art Study

             OIST: Vice President for CPR Heather Young 

             Geidai students: 3–4 students selected for awards

15:40 End of Closing Ceremony


All-OIST Category: 

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