Public Lecture: Metaverse and Virtual Reality by Anatole Lecuyer and Shunichi Kasahara



B250 (Center), Zoom


News Articles about the event:

Photos of the Event:

Shunichi Kasahara - Cybernetic Humanity Seminar Series hosted by Cybernetic Humanity Studio (OIST - Sony CSL collaboration)

French Embassy in Japan x OIST Theoretical Sciences Visiting Program (TSVP)

Metaverse and Virtual Reality - The Science and Technology of Interacting with Digital Worlds

This event is supported by the department for science and technology of the French Embassy in Japan and OIST’s Theoretical Sciences Visiting Program (TSVP).

This public lecture is accompanied by a seminar which can be found here. (The seminar is for invited participants and all students and researchers at OIST).

Poster/Banner image was created by Shunichi Kasahara using Midjourney.

Public Lecture: 17:15-18:30

Open to all, including high school students and members of the general public
>> No registration required, room occupancy 100 people, first come first serve. For the Lab Tours please register below.

英日同時通訳付き: 高校生以上の方は、どなたでもご参加いただけます。
>> 申し込み不要、会場定員100名、先着順。ラボツアーは下記よりお申し込みください。


  • Shunichi Kasahara, Researcher at Sony Computer Science Laboratories, SonyCSL-OIST collaboration Cybernetic Humanity Studio  
  • Anatole Lécuyer, Research Director and Head of Hybrid Team at Inria (France) and TSVP Visiting Scholar  

Lecture will also be broadcast online via Zoom

Join Zoom
Meeting ID: 977 9491 3409
Passcode: 327684

※ Please note that this event will be recorded and the video uploaded. In addition, photos may be taken during the event. These are intended for publication online to report on the website, social media, etc.

SonyCSL-OIST Collaboration | Lab Tours: 18:45 and 19:15 in Lab 5

Open to all, first come first serve

>> Please REGISTER here: (Deadline: 2023/04/20, 23:59) Limited to 20 people per tour!  Limited spaces still available, signup at the door before the public lecture (in B250)


18:45・19:15 OIST第5研究棟にて、ソニー CSL-OIST コラボレーション ラボツアー あり英語・日本語、

>> こちらからご登録をお願いします: (締切:2023/04/20 23:59) 各ツアー20名様限定。  定員になり次第締め切ります。公開講座の前にお申し込みください(B250)。


Virtual reality (VR) spontaneously evokes a set of high-end technologies designed to "immerse" its users in synthetic 3D environments simulated in real time by a computer. Thanks to dedicated interfaces such as head-mounted displays, VR applications allow users to have powerful experiences such as being in a different place or interacting with characters that are not physically present for real. The first VR systems date back to the 1950s or 1960s, but a media and economic craze has recently developed, especially with the buzz around "Metaverses", these massively shared virtual worlds sometimes presented as the "Internet of the Future", in which we may one day be able to perform many human activities such as working, training, visiting, meeting, shopping, etc. Such an extraordinary promise has motivated colossal investments of the tech giants over the last 10 years. We are therefore living in a pivotal and historic moment for this field, which is progressively moving towards mass applications. In this seminar, we will question the next steps for VR technologies. We will question the present and the future of immersive technologies. We will draw up the state of the art of the field, and present the current and future research tracks, trying to answer the question: is the metaverse really the future of our interactions with digital contents?




Anatole Lécuyer is Director of Research and head of Hybrid team at Inria Rennes. He has been leading a research activity on “virtual Reality” for the past 25 years. His main research interests are in virtual/augmented reality, haptic interaction, 3D user interfaces, and brain-computer interfaces. He was involved in numerous international collaborations such as with European “GuestXR” or “NIW” projects. He initiated and still leads the OpenViBE open-source software, and co-founded the Mensia startup company. He authored more than 200 scientific publications and 15 patents. He served notably as program chair of IEEE VR conference and associate editor of IEEE TVCG journal. He obtained the Inria-French Academy of Sciences “Young Researcher Prize” in 2013, and was inducted in the IEEE Virtual Reality Academy in 2022.

Shunichi Kasahara is a researcher and project leader at Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. He received his Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Information Studies from the University of Tokyo in 2017 and joined Sony Corporation in 2008. He was an affiliate researcher at MIT Media Lab in 2012 before joining Sony CSL in 2014. He is currently leading research on “Cybernetic Humanity,” which explores the new humanity emerging from the integration of humans and computers. His research has been presented at ACM CHI, UIST, SIGGRAPH, SAP, and scientific journals, and he has also conducted interactive exhibitions and implemented social implementation. Starting in 2023, he is running the Cybernetic Humanity Studio as part of a collaboration between Sony CSL and OIST.


Event Guidelines


  • Please conduct a self-health check prior to the event. 
    Please do not enter OIST if you have a cough, fever, or any other symptoms of an Infectious disease like Covid-19.
  • 事前にセルフヘルスチェックを実施してください。
  • Please register your contact information through the following online form (not necessary if you already signed up before the event)
  • 以下のオンラインフォームから連絡先をご登録ください(イベント前にすでにご登録いただいている方は不要です)。


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