TSVP Teatime



Lab 4 Level D Break Area (L4D01)


(Approximately) every second Thursday at 4pm a "TSVP Talk" (general-audience lecture) will be given by one of the visitors, usually in seminar room L4E48. Details about these can be found on the Events page.

On Thursdays without talks, visitors of the TSVP meet up at 4pm for "TSVP Teatime": informal discussions and getting to know each other as well as OIST researchers.

The Teatime takes place in the Lab 4 Level D Break Area (L4D01), the large room with the colorful floor. Table Tennis is also available should you be interested in a TSVP Tournament.

This Thursday (December 8th) at 4pm the recently revived OIST Teatime is happening at the same time as TSVP Teatime. Feel free to join both for half an hour each or so. The TSVP Teatime is mainly a gathering of TSVP visitors and those who want to meet them, but everyone is welcome (no registration required). Future OIST/TSVP Teatimes will mostly be held on separate days.

Request to participants

  • Please refrain from attending an event if you have fever or any other cold symptoms.
  • Check health condition before attending an event by measuring body temperature etc.
  • Bring a mask and wear it correctly, practice good cough etiquette and wash hands with soap and disinfect fingers thoroughly.
  • Eat only inside the designated meal areas and avoid crowding during meals. Do not eat inside the venue unless specifically allowed by the organizers.
  • Put your mask back on swiftly after eating.
  • Follow the latest guidelines issued by the Japanese government and the Okinawa Prefectural guideline regarding vaccination policies, and PCR or antigen testing prior to attending an event.
  • If identified as a close-contact, follow the self-isolation guidelines determined by the local health authorities and the Japanese government.
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