Past Events
Fractals and the dynamics of Thurston maps
2021-11-19Speaker: Professor Mario Bonk, UCLA
Title: Fractals and the dynamics of Thurston maps
Catch-All Mathematical Colloquium
2021-10-21The colloquium will be held once a month. It will be held online for the time being. Each event consists of a one-hour talk on mathematics followed by a one-hour diversity panel discussion session.
In the mathematics part, we will hear an exciting overview talk for a general audience. October speaker is Megumi Harada, Professor of McMaster University. In the discussion session, we will hear about the speaker's personal journey as a mathematician. You can take inspiration from them and exchange ideas with other participants in a small group. After the sessions are over, there will be a tea time where participants can chat freely.
You can join Part I only or both parts of the colloquium. Please register before Oct 18th, 5 pm. Click here to register!
Quasiconformal and Sobolev mappings in metric measure spaces
2021-10-14Analysis on Metric Spaces Fall Seminar
Title: Quasiconformal and Sobolev mappings in metric measure spaces
Speaker: Panu Lahti, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Abstract: Starting from Gehring, the equivalence between the metric, geometric, and analytic def- initions of quasiconformality has been investigated by various authors. There are many results stating that if a mapping is metrically quasiconformal, perhaps only in a relaxed sense, then it is analytically quasiconformal, or at least a Sobolev mapping. In recent joint work with Xiaodan Zhou, we have shown an improved version of such a result, which seems to detect more Sobolev mappings than previous results in the literature. I will discuss these results as well as the general strategy of the proofs.
On weak solutions to first-order discount mean field games
2021-10-08Analysis on Metric Spaces Fall Seminar
Title: On weak solutions to first-order discount mean field games
Speaker: Hiroyoshi Mitake, University of Tokyo
2021 Summer Analysis on Metric Spaces Seminar
Speaker: Luca Capogna, Smith College
2021 Summer Analysis on Metric Spaces Seminar
2021-08-11Title: Lipschitz mappings, metric differentiability, and factorization through metric trees
Speaker: Piotr Hajlasz, University of Pittsburgh
2021 Summer Analysis on Metric Spaces Seminar
2021-07-16Elisa Negrini, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Title: System identification through Lipschitz regularized deep neural networks
2021 Summer Analysis on Metric Spaces Seminar
2021-06-25Title: Localization and isoperimetric inequalities
Speaker: Shin-ichi Ohta, Osaka University and RIKEN