Publications 2009
- Kawashima T, Kawashima S, Tanaka C, Murai M, Yoneda M, Putnam NH, Rokhsar DS, Kanehisa M, Satoh N, Wada H.
Domain shuffling and the evolution of vertebrates.
Genome Res., 19:1393–1403 (2009) - Chiba S, Jiang D, Satoh N, Smith WC.
Brachyury null mutant-induced defects in juvenile ascidian endodermal organs.
Development, 136:35-39 (2009) - Nakayama-Ishimura A, Chambon JP, Horie T, Satoh N, Sasakura Y.
Delineating metamorphic pathways in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis.
Dev. Biol., 326:357-367 (2009) - Yamada S, Hotta K, Yamamoto TS, Ueno N, Satoh N, Takahashi H.
Interaction of notochord-derived fibrinogen-like protein with Notch regulates the patterning of the central nervous system of Ciona intestinalis embryos.
Dev. Biol., 328:1–12 (2009) - Paix A, Yamada L, Dru P, Lecordier H, Pruliere G, Chenevert J, Satoh N, Sardet C.
Cortical anchorages and cell type segregations of maternal postplasmic/PEM RNAs in ascidians.
Dev Biol., 336(1):96-111 (2009). - Satoh N.
An advanced filter-feeder hypothesis for urochordate evolution.
Zoolog Sci., 26(2):97-111 (2009) - Satou Y, Satoh N, Imai K.
Gene regulatory networks in the early ascidian embryo.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Gene Regulatory Mechanisms, 1789:268–273 (2009) - Keduka E, Kaiho A, Hamada M, Watanabe-Takano H, Takano K, Ogasawara M, Satou Y, Satoh N, Endo T.
M-Ras evolved independently of R-Ras and its neural function is conserved between mammalian and ascidian, which lacks classical Ras.
Gene, 429:49-58 (2009) - Ikuta T, Miyamoto N, Saito Y, Wada H, Satoh N, Saiga H.
Ambulacrarian prototypical Hox and ParaHox gene complements of the indirect-developing hemichordate Balanoglossus simodensis.
Dev Genes Evol., 219(7):383-9 (2009) - Noda T, Hamada M, Hamaguchi M, Fujie M, Satoh N.
Early zygotic expression of transcription factors and signal molecules in fully dissociated embryonic cells of Ciona intestinalis: A microarray analysis.
Development Growth and Differentiation, 51(7):639-55 (2009) - Sasakura Y, Inaba K, Satoh N, Kondo M, Akasaka K.
Ciona intestinalis and Oxycomanthus japonicus, representatives of marine invertebrates.
Experimental Animals, 58(5):459-69 (2009) - Satoh N.
Ciona intestinalis: An experimental model of genome-wide exploration of chordate biology (モデル生物の歴史と展望 第5回 カタユウレイボヤ-脊索動物の生命現象のゲノム科学的解明をめざすモデル動物).
Jikken Igaku (Experimental Medicine), 27(11):1780–1783 (2009) - Satoh N.
新しい眼でみた水棲無脊椎動物の系統(4) 動物の多様性:最近のトピックス―さらに進む分子系統学的解析―.
うみうし通信, 62: 2–5 (2009) - Satoh N, Kawashima T, Shoguchi E.
Decoding of amphioxus genome and evolution of chordates (ナメクジウオのゲノム解読と脊索動物の進化).
Protein, Nucleic acid and Enzyme, 54(1):20-28 (2009)