New service- SFX (Link resolver)
The library has initiated a service to facilitate acquisition of full text digital reprints from diverse literature databases.
What is the SFX?
SFX is a link resolver that helps researchers connect from search results of online databases to full text PDF reprints, the latter reside in diverse locations online. From the search output of various databases, SFX displays the full text availability and links users directly to the reprints.
Where can I use SFX?
You can search journals by keywords, category, vendors, by citation.
For an A-Z journal list:
For e-books:
You can search e-books by keywords, ISBN, and authors.
In the Web of Knowledge, Google Scholar, and selected databases
You can see the "Find it @ OIST" icon on the results.
You can see the OIST icon on the results, but please use this URL
and bookmark it to see the OIST icon because PubMed doesn’t automatically recognized OIST by its IP address.
Why didn't I get a full text link for my article?
Occasionally no full text link is available.
Possible reasons are:
• an online full text version is not available through the OIST library.
• SFX linking has not yet been enabled for the journal in which your article was published.
• Very recent articles may not yet have been uploaded on the publisher's website.
Why is there more than one option for full text for some journals?
There is overlap among our online journal collections and databases, so sometimes you will find that the full text is available from more than one source.