Open Access

Open Access is to make research output freely available online to the public at no cost for unrestricted use of research and scholarship.

OIST's Open Access Policy (PRP 4.11.6) is that the publications and other research output of OIST must be deposited in the OIST Institutional Repository (OISTIR), which serves as the platform for public access to the intellectual output of OIST.

Creative Commons (CC) licenses help authors to give others permission to use their work in advance under certain conditions. There are six core licenses, and each of them allow the public to use the material in different ways. For more information, visit About CC https://creativecommons.org/faq/#about-cc

No. The OIST Open Access Policy doesn't require a Creative Commons (CC) license on each academic article, but when you publish an article, you can choose to make it Open Access by having a Creative Commons (CC) license. Many publishers provide authors with a choice as a part of the Article Processing Charge (APC).

You must submit a "Request for Exclusion or Withdrawal of Work(s) from OISTIR" with a reasonable explanation. Upon approval from the Library Director, your article may be partially or wholly excluded or withdrawn from OISTIR.


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Deposit License

The OIST Institutional Repository Deposit License is a one-off and comprehensive license that applies to all OIST research output published on or after January 1, 2017. All OIST authors should agree to the terms and conditions of the Deposit License so that all OIST research work can be deposited into OISTIR.

Any OIST employees who contribute to OIST's research output must submit two (2) copies of the Deposit License to the Library.


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OISTIR is a combination of OIST (Okinawa Science and Technology Graduate University) and IR (Institutional Repository), and it’s pronounced as [ɔistɜ:r]. It's the Open Access repository platform that provides public access to the intellectual output of OIST.

The purpose for OISTIR is to make the intellectual output of OIST accessible worldwide to maximize the scientific impact of its researchers and raise the institutional research profile.

If you are an OIST employee who publishes research papers using OIST's resources and working time, you are required to deposit the papers into OISTIR. [Please refer to OIST's Open Access Policy (PRP 4.11.6)]

Academic articles published on or after January 1, 2017, and all doctoral dissertations are deposited into OISTIR. Books and book chapters, academic conference proceedings, academic seminar materials (posters and power point slides, etc.), and OIST corporate publications may be included in OISTIR as well.

No. You don't need to deposit your articles into OISTIR by yourself. Library staff will do this for you.

You don't have to do anything until you receive an Action Request from the Library. In the Action Request, the Library will mainly ask you to; 1) send a "Request for Deposit" email a template to your non-OIST co-authors, and/or 2) submit an Author's Final Version (Accepted Manuscript) of your article. After you take the requested actions, the Library staff will deposit your article into OISTIR for you.

The open access date can be set up with OISTIR so that your article is not open to the public until the embargo period ends. When the open access date comes, the article becomes automatically available.

If an article authored by multiple research units is published, it will be displayed under all the units involved.

Yes. You can submit the data file along with the article to the Library. The limit is 120 MB per file and up to 1 GB in total. Most of the file formats are accepted including zip files for multiple files.

Yes. You can combine them into a single file or a zip file. Either type of file can be uploaded into OISTIR.

Yes. Any publication prior to 2017 can be deposited on voluntary basis.


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Author's Obligation

Yes. According to the Copyright Act of Japan, all authors equally retain the copyrights to their article; therefore, you must notify your co-authors about depositing the article in OISTIR.

Please let the Library know your concern so that the reply period can be extended.

New researchers receive an email about OISTIR from the Library in the first month of work at OIST. 

Because you must follow the rules of the Copyright Act of Japan. According to Article 65, a joint copyright may not be exercised without the unanimous agreement of all co-authors. Therefore, it is necessary that you send "Request for Deposit" email to your co-author(s).

If the former OIST authors had submitted a Deposit License while they were at OIST, the Library staff can still contact them by using their permanent email address in their Deposit License.

Yes. If your name appears as one of the authors of an article, it must be deposited in OISTIR.


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Version of Publication

Author’s Final Version is an accepted, peer-reviewed version of the article, before the publisher’s copyediting, proof corrections, layout and typesetting. It is the same content as the Published Version of the journal, but the layout of the article may be different. It is also called Accepted Manuscript.

It depends on your publisher's self-archiving/ article sharing policy. Library staff will check your publisher's policy and let you know which version of your article is needed for OISTIR. In many cases, publishers allow Author's Final Versions (Accepted Manuscripts) to be posted in institutional repositories.

Please ask your corresponding author or other co-authors. Also, contact your publisher because some publishers provide authors with a copy of the Author’s Final Version (Accepted Manuscript).


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Author Affiliation

If you researched or wrote the article using the OIST's resources and working time, it's eligible for OISTIR.


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