'Introduction to the CLIC linear collider study and associated development of high-gradient accelerating structures' Dr. Walter Wuensch (CERN)


2015年3月5日 (木) 14:00 15:00


C016, Floor C, Lab1


Date/Time: Thursday, March 5th, 14:00-15:00
Venue: C016, Floor C, Lab1

Speaker: Dr. Walter Wuensch (CERN)

Title: Introduction to the CLIC linear collider study and associated development of high-gradient accelerating structures

Abstract: The CLIC collaboration is studying the design of a TeV-range electron-positron linear collider and developing key technology for it. I will give an overview for the motivation for CLIC, introduce the accelerator concept and then go on describe the development of high-gradient accelerating structures - which have a very strong influence on both performance and cost of the whole machine. The accelerating structures are in turn limited by vacuum breakdown and I will finish by describing research into the fundamental physics and material science of metal surfaces under high fields.


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