Seminar by Mr. Marcus Gallagher-Jones, "Coherent Diffractive Imaging of Cells and Macromolecular Complexes at SPring-8 and SACLA"

Quantum Wave Microscopy Unit (Shintake Unit) would like to invite you to a seminar by Mr. Marcus Gallagher-Jones, Liverpool University.
We hope to see many of you at the seminar.
Speaker: Mr. Marcus Gallagher-Jones, Ph.D. student, Liverpool University
Title: Coherent Diffractive Imaging of Cells and Macromolecular Complexes at SPring-8 and SACLA
Coherent Diffractive Imaging (CDI) extends the crystallographic methodology to non-crystalline samples and has introduced a new means to study the architecture of functional nanomaterials and biological matter at nm resolutions. Typical experiments at synchrotrons however, are greatly limited by radiation damage. X-ray Free-electron Lasers (XFELs), the fourth generation of x-ray radiation sources present exciting new opportunities in structural biology. Their high peak brilliance, billions of times brighter than synchrotrons, and ultra-short pulse lengths, few to several hundred femtoseconds, hold the promise of outrunning x-ray induced radiation damage. A major goal of XFEL science is the ability to obtain high-resolution images from single particles free of radiation damage. A key step towards this goal is the development of technology and methodologies to allow such experiments to be performed. This talk will outline developments in CDI at SACLA and SPring-8. Details of the diffraction microscopes at each facility will be described and current results from the application of CDI, using both XFEL and synchrotron radiation, to cells and macromolecular assemblies will be presented.
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