[PhD Thesis Public Presentation_L5D23_ zoom is also available] ‐ Sachie Yukawa - “Seasonal Variation in Glycemic Control and Lifestyle in Middle-aged Non-diabetic Individuals”


2024年8月23日 (金) 16:00 17:00


L5D23, Level D, Lab 5 or Zoom


Presenter: Sachie Yukawa

Supervisor: Prof. Hiroki Ishikawa

Co-supervisor: Prof. Hiroaki Kitano


Unit: Immune Signal Unit


Zoom URL: to be available 48 hours prior to the examination


Title: Seasonal Variation in Glycemic Control and Lifestyle in Middle-aged Non-diabetic Individuals



Winter glucose spikes and impaired glycemic control in diabetic patients have been previously reported, and reduced daylight hours and lower temperatures in winter, as well as seasonal changes in lifestyle habits have been considered as contributing to this phenomenon. However, few studies have investigated the seasonality of glycemic control alongside lifestyle habits, especially knowledge of seasonality of glycemic variables about non-diabetic population is sparse. This study aimed to understand seasonal variation in glycemic control in usual life and the meteorological and lifestyle factors associated with the glycemic seasonality in non-diabetic individuals. It was the first time to analyze relatively large-scale CGM data of non-diabetic individuals at middle-age (mainly 40-70 years old) which was collected as Human Phenotype Project cohort in Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. The results demonstrated that mean glucose had seasonal trend with a peak in winter-spring and a trough in summer-autumn, which was constant with results in previous studies. Notably, mean amplitude of glycemic excursions (MAGE), which was evaluated for seasonality for the first time, changed 1-2 months before mean glucose and displayed seasonal trends similar to those of several seasonal lifestyle habits such as body composition, dietary patterns, macronutrient intake and sleep pattern as well as temperature.

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