OIST NetCafé (Online Information Session) in December 2022


2022年12月2日 (金) 15:00




This session will be done in Japanese. The program will start off with a general introduction of OIST, PhD & Research Internship admission process, financial support and student life followed by a panel discussion by two OIST PhD students.


Nanako Okabe (OIST PhD student, Year of 2022)

Nanako was born and grew up in Yokohama. When she was in high school, she was fascinated by the survival strategies of giant unicellular seaweeds and began researching them. In 2021, she participated in an OIST internship at the Marine Genomics Unit (Prof. Satoh), where she learned bioinformatics skills and worked on the identification of genes involved in the wounding mechanism of the same organisms. Based on the results of the internship, she finished her undergraduate research and graduated with a B.S. degree in Biology Major from International Christian University in June 2022. Before coming to OIST, she lived on Chichijima in the Ogasawara Islands and enjoyed the ocean (especially skin diving!), interacting with the local people, and learning about the culture. On weekends, she enjoys Okinawa just as much.

Rengo Yoshioka (OIST PhD student, Year of 2021)

Rengo was born in Nagano and raised in Saitama. After graduating from the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology with a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science, he enrolled in the Master's program of the Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering at the same university, where he studied photoreaction mechanisms of molecular complexes. After a five-month research internship at OIST (Organic Optoelectronics Unit, PI: Associate Professor Ryota Kabe), he entered OIST through the Pathway to PhD program at OIST. Currently, he is engaging in research on organic long-persistence luminescence in the Organic Optoelectronics Unit. “On my days off, I enjoy playing tennis and taking pictures. Surrounded by many researchers, PhD students, and the beautiful ocean, this is a great place to do research."

Targeted Audiences

Anyone interested in PhD and Research Internship at OIST

Event Details & Registration



OIST Graduate School - External Engagement Section


All-OIST Category: 

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