Past Events

Japan Scicom Forum 2022 - Hosted by OIST

2022年10月21日 (金) 10:00 17:00
ONLINE (Zoom link will be provided for the registrants)

Science communication and outreach, especially to global audiences in English, is taking off in Japan. Japan Scicom Forum brings together communicators, writers, scientists, journalists and select experts from abroad to inspire and boost the cohesion of scicomm in Japan, learn new skills and inform the community with best practices. Keynote talks will reflect on research-media interactions from the perspectives of both scientists and press professionals. Workshops will provide hands-on training to support communicators and scientists working in Japan as they engage in global outreach. Open discussion and networking opportunities are spread over the program. Registration is free and the event will be in English.

This year, OIST is honored to host virtually this event.

スポーツの日 Sports Day

2022年10月10日 (月) 0:00

National holiday


2022年9月29日 (木) (All day)2022年9月30日 (金) (All day)

Please address inquiries to the President's Office.

The Trust Landscape in Japan and Implications for SDGs

2022年9月28日 (水) 20:00 21:00

Edelman Japan President and CEO Meghan Barstow presents highlights from Edelman’s Trust Barometer 2022 research highlighting Japan and contrasting it with the rest of the world.

NOTE: This session will be delivered in English and simultaneous interpretation will be provided in Japanese.

Decolonizing Science and Moving to Inclusive Science

2022年9月27日 (火) 22:002022年9月28日 (水) 0:30

Colonial scientific practices are embedded in current scientific research, policy, education, and outreach. It is therefore necessary to acknowledge and undo colonial structures and processes and change practices and mindsets within science and scientific communities. A keynote presentation and subsequent panel will address colonial scientific practices, the negative scientific developments that are caused by them, and how to move towards an inclusive science system, globally.

“ROZ” Fosters Scientific Careers Through Inclusivity, Interactivity, and Internationalism

2022年9月27日 (火) 2:00 3:00

Along with OIST president Peter Gruss and assistant professor Paola Laurino, this session will engage participants and viewers in career questions and answers such as: “At the start of my career, am I better off seeking collaborations, avoiding them in the name of independence, or placing myself somewhere on a continuum between the two?”

Valuing Value: How any Organization Can Measure Stakeholder Value and “Ethical Capitalism”

2022年9月26日 (月) 22:002022年9月27日 (火) 0:30

What is a “good” company, and how can it create the highest possible value for itself and each of its stakeholders?

NOTE: This session will be delivered in English and Japan via simultaneous interpretation.

秋分の日 Autumnal Equinox Day

2022年9月23日 (金) 0:00

National holiday

Investing in Science, Investing in Humanity

2022年9月21日 (水) 21:00 22:00

Within the context of Japan, but also balanced against a global view, Dr. Gruss and The Japan Times reporter Tomoko Otake will discuss the importance of investing in research excellence for the benefit of humanity.

Allies, Advocates, and Partners: Communicating Social and Environmental Issues Effectively

2022年9月20日 (火) 23:002022年9月21日 (水) 0:30

Leadership mentor, teacher, and sustainability expert Betsy Reed will speak on the importance of engaging allies, advocates, and partners in the community. She will be interviewed by Heather Young, vice-president of communications at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST).
