OIST Innovators Society Meeting - Dr. Masaru Nagura


2021年11月25日 (木) 16:00 17:00


Meeting room C016 (Lab1) + zoom


At our next Innovators Society meeting, we will be joined by Dr. Masaru Nagura - General Manager at Cambridge Innovation Center (CIC) Tokyo.

Cambridge Innovation Center (CIC) was founded in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1999. CIC is a global leader in building and operating innovation communities and is located in 9 cities around the world. CIC provides services that bridge worldwide locations and supports the overseas expansion of Japanese startups. CIC Tokyo is a home for exemplary entrepreneurs leading fast-growing businesses, keeping them highly motivated and focused on their pursuit of innovation. CIC seeks to build a dynamic, diverse, global innovation community. These include brilliant individuals of various backgrounds and locations: entrepreneurs, investors, government, local organizations, venture-supporting professionals, students, researchers, and more.

On November 25th (Thu), Dr. Nagura will introduce us to some of the activities and support provided by CIC Tokyo. He will also share some tips about technology commercialization and how to find co-founders, partners, or business experts to bring to your startup team.

Join us in meeting room C016 (Lab1) or via zoom to learn about CIC, and to also ask any questions that you may have!

**Dr. Masaru Nagura has a Master's in Engineering and Management from MIT and a Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Tokyo. Prior to joining CIC in May 2020, he worked at the Venture Capitalist firm - Beyond Next Ventures, and the Industry Growth Platform, and for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).

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